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WMA INB 3 intervention
Third, the INB will be invited to provide comments on Chapter III. Achieving equity in, for and
through pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health
systems; and Chapter IV. Strengthening and sustaining capacities for pandemic prevention,
preparedness, response and recovery of health systems.
Thank you co-chair,
WMA would encourage the addition of the following points into the text of articles 9, 10
and 11:
• For article 9:
o to preestablish concrete mechanism that will remove trade barriers for the
next pandemic with WTO and WIPO
• For article 10:
o 2 b): to include strengthening of health care system capacities, including
its workforce, to ensure continuous provision of preventive, primary,
chronic, and acute care during pandemics.
o For 2 c) on pandemic recovery: to also ensure the youth workforce
redeployed at the most forefront of the pandemic can recover from burnt-
• For article 11:
o Point 1: to include protection and safeguarding of the health and care
workforce against violence and to facilitate their recovery from work-
related infections
o For 2 b): to emphasise on investment in sustainable funding for the
training, employment, and retention of health and care workforce. We
are key for pandemic response, health system resilience, and provision of
continuous care.
o For 2c): there is a need to ensure adequate protection and benefits when
deploying surge staff locally and globally, while ensuring the
sustainability of the national workforce by respecting the WHO Global
Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel
The WMA calls all member states to include the national health and care workforce to
co-develop inclusive national policies for PPPR, and health system recovery.
The WMA calls on the INB Bureau to establish a specific drafting session for the sub-
topic of health systems and workforce strengthening. If needed, we would like to
volunteer our expertise and network for this working session.