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Handbook of WMA Policies
World Medical Association  D-2002-02-2002
Adopted by the 53rd WMA General Assembly, Washington, DC, USA, October 2002
1. The right to privacy entitles people to exercise control over the use and disclosure of
information about them as individuals. The privacy of a patient’s personal health in-
formation is secured by the physician’s duty of confidentiality.
2. Confidentiality is at the heart of medical practice and is essential for maintaining
trust and integrity in the patient-physician relationship. Knowing that their privacy
will be respected gives patients the freedom to share sensitive personal information
with their physician.
3. These principles have been incorporated in WMA statements since the WMA was
founded in 1947, in particular by:
1. The Declaration of Lisbon, that states: “The patient’s dignity and right to privacy
shall be respected at all times in medical care and teaching”;
2. The Declaration of Geneva, that requires physicians to “preserve absolute confi-
dentiality on all he knows about his patient even after the patient has died”;
3. The Declaration of Helsinki, that states:
“It is the duty of the physician in medical research to protect the life, health, pri-
vacy, and dignity of the human subject”
“Every precaution should be taken to respect the privacy of the [research] subject,
the confidentiality of the patient’s information and to minimize the impact of the
study on the subject’s physical and mental integrity and on the personality of the
“In any research on human beings, each potential subject must be adequately in-
formed of the aims, methods, sources of funding, any possible conflicts of in-
terest, institutional affiliations of the researcher, the anticipated benefits and
poten-tial risks of the study and the discomfort it may entail. The subject should
be in-formed of the right to abstain from participation in the study or to withdraw
con-sent to participate at any time without reprisal. After ensuring that the subject
has understood the information, the physician should then obtain the subject’s
freely-given informed consent, preferably in writing”
D-2002-02-2002  Washington, DC
Health Databases
1. The primary purpose of collecting personal health information is the provision of
care to the patient. Increasingly, this information is held in databases. The database
might hold the patient’s health record or specific information from it, for example in
the case of disease registries.
2. Progress in medicine and in health care is contingent upon the conduct of quality
assurance and risk management activities and health and medical research, including
retrospective epidemiological studies, which use information concerning the health
of individuals, communities and societies. Databases are valuable sources of
information for these secondary uses of health information.
3. Care must be taken to ensure that secondary uses of information do not inhibit pa-
tients from confiding information for their own health care needs, exploit their
vulner-ability or inappropriately borrow on the trust that patients invest in their
4. For the purpose of this statement, the following definitions are used:
1. ‘Personal health information’ is all information recorded with regard to the
physical or mental health of an identifiable individual;
2. A ‘database’ is a system to collect, describe, save, recover and/or use personal
health information from more than one individual whether by manual or
electronic means. This definition does not include information in the clinical
record of any individual patient;
3. ‘De-identified data’ are data in which the link between the patient and the infor-
mation has been broken and cannot be recovered;
4. ‘Consent’ is a person’s voluntarily given permission for an action, based on a
sound understanding of what the action involves and its likely consequences. In
some jurisdictions, the law allows substituted consent to be given on behalf of
minors, on behalf of adults who do not have the capacity to consent for
themselves, or on behalf of deceased persons.
1. These principles apply to all new and existing health databases, including those run
or managed by commercial organisations.
Access to information by patients
2. Patients have the right to know what information physicians hold about them, in-
cluding information held on health databases. In many jurisdictions, they have a right
to a copy of their health records.
3. Patients should have the right to decide that their personal health information in a
database (as defined in 7.2) be deleted.
4. In rare, limited circumstances, information may be withhold from a patient if it is
likely that disclosure cause serious harm to the patient or another person. Physicians
must be able to justify any decision to withhold information from a patient.
Handbook of WMA Policies
World Medical Association  D-2002-02-2002
5. All physicians are individually responsible and accountable for the confidentiality of
the personal health information they hold. Physicians must also be satisfied that there
are appropriate arrangements for the security of personal health information when it
is stored, sent or received, including electronically.
6. In addition, medically qualified person(s) should be appointed to act as guardian of a
health database, to have responsibility for monitoring and ensuring compliance with
the principles of confidentiality and security.
7. Safeguards must be in place to ensure that there is no inappropriate or unauthorised
use of or access to personal health information in databases, and to ensure the
authen-ticity of the data. When data is transmitted, there must be arrangements in
place to en-sure that the transmission is secure.
8. Audit systems must keep a record of who has accessed personal health information and
when. Patients should be able to review the audit record for their own information.
Patients’ consent
9. Patients should be informed if their health information is to be stored on a database
and of the purposes for which their information may be used.
10. Patients’ consent is needed if the inclusion of their information on a database
involves disclosure to a third party or would permit access by people other than those
involved in the patients’ care, unless there are exceptional circumstances as described
in para-graph 11.
11. Under certain conditions, personal health information may be included on a database
without consent, for example where this conforms with applicable national law that
conforms to the requirements of this statement, or where ethical approval has been
given by a specially appointed ethical review committee. In these exceptional cases,
patients should be informed about the potential uses of their information, even if they
have no right to object.
12. If patients object to their information being passed to others, their objections must be
respected unless exceptional circumstances apply, for example where this is required
by applicable national law that conforms to the requirements of this statement or nec-
essary to prevent a risk of death or serious harm.
13. Authorization from the guardian of the health database is needed before information
held on databases may be accessed by third parties. Procedures for granting authori-
zation must comply with recognised codes of confidentiality.
14. Approval from a specially appointed ethical review committee must be obtained for
all research using patient data, including for new research not envisaged at the time
the data were collected. An important consideration for the committee in such cases
will be whether patients should be contacted to obtain consent, or whether it is
accept-able to use the information for the new purpose without returning to the
patient for further consent. The committee’s decisions must be in accordance with
applicable na-tional law and conform to the requirements of this statement.
D-2002-02-2002  Washington, DC
Health Databases
15. Data accessed must be used only for the purposes for which authorization has been
16. People who collect, use, disclose or access health information must be subject to an
enforceable duty to keep the information secure.
De-identified data
17. Wherever possible, data for secondary purposes should be de-identified. If this is not
possible, however, the use of data where the patient’s identity is protected by an alias
or code should be used in preference to readily identifiable data.
18. The use of de-identified data does not usually raise issues of confidentiality. Data
about people as individuals, in which they retain a legitimate interest, for example a
case history or photograph, require protection.
Data integrity
19. Physicians are responsible for ensuring, as far as practicable, that the information
they provide to, and hold on, databases is accurate and up-to-date.
20. Patients who have seen their information and believe there are inaccuracies in it have
the right to suggest amendments and to have their comments appended to the
21. There must be documentation to explain: what information is held and why; what
consent has been obtained from the patients; who may access the data; why, how and
when the data may be linked to other information; and the circumstances in which
data may be made available to third parties.
22. Information to patients about a specific database should cover: consent to the storage
and use of data; rights of access to the data; and rights to have inaccurate data
23. Procedures for addressing enquiries and complaints must be in place.
24. The person or persons who are accountable for policies, procedures, and to whom
complaints or enquiries can be made must be identified.
25. National medical associations should cooperate with the relevant health authorities,
ethical authorities and personal data authorities, at national and other appropriate ad-
ministrative levels, to formulate health information policies based on the principles
in this document.