Physicians to discuss Health Consequences of Climate Change

Physician representatives will gather in Copenhagen in September to discuss the health consequences of climate change to ensure that the medical profession’s voice is heard when a new global climate treaty to replace the Kyoto accord is considered two months later.

The seminar will be held by the World Medical Association on September 1, when physician leaders and climate change experts will highlight the health impact of climate change and suggest the role physicians can play in alerting the world to the increased risks of disease.

Dr. Otmar Kloiber, Secretary General of the WMA, said: ‘It is vital that health is fully considered in current global debates and that physicians are provided with accurate information and awareness raising tools to advocate action at a national level.

‘The WMA is preparing major new policy for physicians in areas such as advocacy, capacity building and collaboration. We hope to adopt this at our annual General Assembly in New Delhi in October so that it can be fed into the United Nations climate change conference being held in Copenhagen in December’.

The WMA seminar will be held at the Danish Engineers Building, Kalvebod Brygge, in Copenhagen on September 1. The full programme will be announced later.