CV_Kitty van Weezenbeek

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Dr Kitty van Weezenbeek (MD, PhD, MPH)
Director Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of antimicrobial
resistance (SPC)
WHO Geneva
Kitty leads the WHO AMR/SPC Department which primarily focuses on human health aspects of AMR
and related response strategies such as infection prevention and control; laboratory strengthening and
diagnostic stewardship; rational treatment; and surveillance of AMR and antimicrobial consumption and
use. In addition, the SPC Department supports countries with the development, costing, and
implementation of evidence-based One Health National Action Plans, and evidence generation for
innovation of AMR control.
Before joining WHO in May 2020, Kitty was Executive Director of KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, a large
international NGO with country offices in twelve low- and middle-income countries. She worked twice
before with WHO, first as Task Manager drug-resistant TB in Geneva and later as regional advisor TB and
leprosy control in the Western Pacific Region, based in Manila. During the last 25 years, she focused on
surveillance, prevention and control of drug resistant tuberculosis; served on WHO TB Strategic
Technical Advisory Group (STAG) and numerous WHO guideline committees; and chaired several global
expert committees. Since 1984, she has assisted over 35 countries worldwide and co-authored over 50
peer reviewed publications. Kitty is a medical doctor, with an MPH, and a PhD on drug-resistant