CV_Dame Parveen Kumar

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Professor Dame Parveen Kumar
Professor Dame Parveen Kumar is Emerita Professor of Medicine and
Education at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen
Mary University of London. She chairs the BMA Board of Science, is a past-
President of the BMA, and is on the BMA Foundation for Medical Research.
Dame Parveen is a past – President of the Royal Society of Medicine, the
Medical Women’s Federation, the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund, and Vice
President of the Royal College of Physicians. She chaired the Medicines
Commission UK, was a founding non-executive Director of the National Institute
of Clinical Excellence (NICE). She also chaired the Governors of the BUPA
Foundation for Research. She co-founded and co-edits Kumar and Clark’s
Clinical Medicine, a medical textbook used all over the world.
Her main interests are in medical education and Global health, and she co-
edited a book on the Essentials of Global Health written by 127 medical
students from around the world. She is the ambassador for the UK Health
Alliance for Climate Change. She has championed the role of women in
medicine and has also tried to help ethnic minorities and refugees in this country
to achieve their goals. She has received many awards including the BMJ award
for the Outstanding contribution to healthcare. She was awarded CBE in 2000,
and DBE in 2017.