20211122 WG Virtual meetings ToR

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Following a proposal by the Chinese Medical Association, the Council decided to
look investigate our rules and procedures for performing virtual meetings. Due to
the pandemic, we have had to replace in-person statutory meetings by virtual
meetings, and we must expect that the use of virtual or hybrid formats will persist –
even beyond the pandemic situation. The virtual format has significant limitations;
however, it also offers distinct advantages like theoretically broader participation
and shorter times for preparation and convening. The workgroup should focus on
the question whether our rules and procedures are still appropriate for such new
formats or whether, where and how they might have to be amended.
Terms of Reference
1. In a first step, the workgroup is asked to collect ideas and suggestions from
workgroup members for changes or adaptations in our procedures or to raise
attention to existing deficits in the virtual execution of our meetings. The
workgroup members are asked to send those to the WMA secretariat. The
secretariat will compile those for the use of the workgroup.
2. The Secretary General together with the Legal Advisor are requested to
present an overview of the current voting rules, ways of counting and quorum
rules and to give a recap of the current procedural documents.
3. The workgroup will meet virtually as many times as necessary.
4. Decisions should be made by consensus. A participant may request a vote.
The simple majority rule applies in case of a vote. In the event of a tie, the
Chairperson has the tie-breaking privilege.
5. Observers do not have the right to vote.
Thereafter, the work group is asked
6. To index which procedures need different rules in virtual than in-person
meetings and to develop amendments to the WMA standing documents
especially the current Procedure and Operating Policies and/or the Rule of
Should the workgroup find that amendments are necessary or useful, the
workgroup is asked to submit written proposals for amendments of our
standing documents to the Finance and Planning committee (FPL) for
Dr. Otmar Kloiber, WMA page 2
7. To report back to each meeting of the FPL.
8. The workgroup will be terminated automatically with a final report to the FPL,
the adoption of a revised draft of the current rules by the WMA Council (and/or
the General Assembly) or at the end of the electoral period, whatever comes
WMA Articles and Bylaws (32.2/Oct2021)
WMA Procedures and Operating Policies (POP/Oct2021)
Rule of Procedure for All Deliberative Bodies of the World Medical Association,
Inc. (32-70)
Overview of WMA Parliamentary Procedures