WHA72- 11.6 Climate change

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World Health Assembly
11.6 Health, environment and climate change
Distinguished Delegates,
Thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the World Medical Association, which
represents 9 million physicians around the world.
We welcome the draft WHO global strategy on health, environment and climate change, in
particular the proposal to address the wide spectrum of climate change impacts on health, through
cross-sectoral action on determinants of health and a health-in-all-policies approach. We support the
recommendation to strengthen the health sector leadership and governance and recommend
developing further on ways to equip and educate the health workforce, including physicians, to
promote a better environment, address patients’ needs, and transmit health knowledge regarding
environmental risks to policy-makers and communities.
We consider that greater emphasis should be placed on the need for health impact assessments of
new trade agreements being negotiated in multilateral settings in order to protect, promote and
prioritize public health over commercial interests and secure services in the public interest,
including those impacting on health and environment.
We would look with appreciation WHO acting as a global role model through the adoption of
climate change performance indicators of its own activities, which could inspire the wider UN
We hope that the WHO will continue to play its convening role at the UN Climate Action Summit
and in the framework of the UN Climate Change negotiations, as its leadership is essential in
facilitating a strong health sector engagement and the true representation of health professionals
who bear witness to the impacts of climate change in their communities.
The WMA remains committed to addressing social and environmental determinants of health. We
look forward to collaborating with WHO on these issues and can be helpful allies in reaching out to
the health professional community specifically physicians.
Thank you,