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WorldMedical Journal
Vol. No.1,March200652
G 20438
Evolution of Health Professions 1
European Developments presage Worldwide
Activities 2
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
Avian influenza 3
“Caring Physicians of the World” 5
Medical management of hunger-strikers 5
The Right to Health 6
Medical Science, Professional Practice
and Education
Human Genetics and Biomedical Research 7
Health Care Policy Reform – the UK National
Health Service 7
Collaboration with the Global Health Initiative
of the World Economic Forum: Initiatives launched
to address training and education needs in TB
burdened countries 9
WMA General Assembly, Santiago Presidential
Valedictory Address, Yank D. Coble 11
Statement on reducing the global Impact
of Alcohol on Health and Society 14
From the Secretary General’s desk
Working together for health – Human Resources
for Health World Health Day 2006 16
Counterfeit medicines: the silent epidemic 17
Countries representing three-quarters of the
world’s population meet in Geneva to plan
the effective implementation of the tobacco
control treaty 18
WHO welcomes United Kingdom, Gates Foundation
funding for global action to stop TB 19
World Cancer Day, February 2006 20
Medical costs push millions of people into poverty
across the globe 20
Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics
and WHO collaborate to improve diagnosis of
sleeping sickness 21
Measles cases and deaths fall by 60% in Africa
since 1999 22
Chernobyl: the true scale of the accident 23
Regional and NMA News
IMA launches rural health plan 28
Physicians speak out on prisoner forced feeding 28
Website: https://www.wma.net
WMA Directory of National Member Medical Associations Officers and Council
Association and address/Officers
i see page ii
President-Elect President Immediate Past-President
Dr K. Letlape Dr Y. D. Coble Dr J. Appleyard
South African Med. Assn. 102 Magnolia Street Thimble Hall
P.O. Box 74789 Neptune Beach, FL 32266 108 Blean Common
Lynnwood Ridge 0040 USA Blean, Nr Canterbury
Pretoria 0153 Kent, CT2 9JJ
South Africa Great Britain
Treasurer Chairman of Council Vice-Chairman of Council
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. J. D. Hoppe Dr Y. Blachar Dr N. Hashimoto
Bundesärztekammer Israel Medical Association Japan Medical Association
Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1 2 Twin Towers 2-28-16 Honkomagome
10623 Berlin 35 Jabotisky Street Bunkyo-ku
Germany P.O. Box 3566 Tokyo 113-8621
Ramat-Gan 52136 Japan
Secretary General
Dr O. Kloiber
World Medical Association
BP 63
Col’legi Oficial de Metges
Edifici Plaza esc. B
Verge del Pilar 5,
4art. Despatx 11, Andorra La Vella
Tel: (376) 823 525/Fax: (376) 860 793
E-mail: coma@andorra.ad
Website: www.col-legidemetges.ad
Confederación Médica Argentina
Av. Belgrano 1235
Buenos Aires 1093
Tel/Fax: (54-114) 383-8414/5511
E-mail: comra@sinectis.com.ar
Website: www.comra.health.org.ar
Australian Medical Association
P.O. Box 6090
Kingston, ACT 2604
Tel: (61-2) 6270-5460/Fax: -5499
Website: www.ama.com.au
E-mail: ama@ama.com.au
Österreichische Ärztekammer
(Austrian Medical Chamber)
Weihburggasse 10-12 – P.O. Box 213
1010 Wien
Tel: (43-1) 51406-931
Fax: (43-1) 51406-933
E-mail: international@aek.or.at
Armenian Medical Association
P.O. Box 143, Yerevan 375 010
Tel: (3741) 53 58-63
Fax: (3741) 53 48 79
Website: www.armeda.am
Azerbaijan Medical Association
5 Sona Velikham Str.
AZE 370001, Baku
Tel: (994 50) 328 1888
Fax: (994 12) 315 136
E-mail: Mahirs@lycos.com /
Medical Association of the Bahamas
Javon Medical Center
P.O. Box N999
Tel: (1-242) 328 6802
Fax: (1-242) 323 2980
E-mail: mabnassau@yahoo.com
Bangladesh Medical Association
B.M.A House
15/2 Topkhana Road,
Dhaka 1000
Tel: (880) 2-9568714/9562527
Fax: (880) 2-9566060/9568714
E-mail: bma@aitlbd.net
Association Belge des Syndicats
Chaussée de Boondael 6, bte 4
1050 Bruxelles
Tel: (32-2) 644-12 88/Fax: -1527
E-mail: absym.bras@euronet.be
Website: www.absym-bras.be
Colegio Médico de Bolivia
Casilla 1088
Tel/Fax: (591-04) 523658
E-mail: colmedbo_oru@hotmail.com
Website: www.colmedbo.org
Associaçao Médica Brasileira
R. Sao Carlos do Pinhal 324 – Bela Vista
Sao Paulo SP – CEP 01333-903
Tel: (55-11) 317868 00
Fax: (55-11) 317868 31
E-mail: presidente@amb.org.br
Website: www.amb.org.br
Bulgarian Medical Association
15, Acad. Ivan Geshov Blvd.
1431 Sofia
Tel: (359-2) 954 -11 26/Fax:-1186
E-mail: usbls@inagency.com
Website: www.blsbg.com
Canadian Medical Association
P.O. Box 8650
1867 Alta Vista Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3Y6
Tel: (1-613) 731 9331/Fax: -1779
E-mail: monique.laframboise@cma.ca
Website: www.cma.ca
Colegio Médico de Chile
Esmeralda 678 – Casilla 639
Tel: (56-2) 4277800
Fax: (56-2) 6330940 / 6336732
E-mail: sectecni@colegiomedico.c
Website: www.colegiomedico.cl
Titlepage: Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden: photos by Veijo Mehtonen.
Hon. Editor in Chief
Dr. Alan J. Rowe
Haughley Grange, Stowmarket
Suffolk IP14 3QT
Dr. Ivan M. Gillibrand
19 Wimblehurst Court
Ashleigh Road
West Sussex RH12 2AQ
Prof. Dr. med. Elmar Doppelfeld
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ISSN: 0049-8122
Reading the national medical association (NMA) press over the last few months there
appear to be a number of broad issues which appear to occupy the medical and other pro-
fessions. Two of these reflect major concerns in the care of patients and are related, name-
ly Quality of Care and Patient Safety. There has been much activity in the former for many
years and action in the latter has substantially increased, notably in the World Alliance for
Patient Safety movement of WHO. The issues involve all health professions and with
increasing teamwork in health care and the huge increase in general access to information
and the involvement of patients in decisions about their health care, these are welcome and
appropriate developments.
At the same time in all health professions, knowledge and roles are constantly evolving and
changing, reflecting the advances in knowledge and advances in technology. In parallel
there are also changes in Healthcare provision as existing national health care systems
reflect both changes in demography in the professions and in the population, as well as the
economic and political climate in individual countries.
In the past few weeks such headlines as “New healthcare role will confuse patients” and
“physician task force confronts scope of practice legislation” have appeared the press of the
some national medical associations. Both of these are referring to the changes in field of
activity of evolving health professions and suggestions of new ones both of which will
impact on the traditional areas of practice, hitherto those of physicians. The first headline
quoted above refers to a proposed new type of health worker to be called by suggested titles
such as “medical care practitioner” or “surgical care practitioner” in the United Kingdom
Health Service. The second reference is to pending legislation in a number of states in the
USA to formally expand the role of 20 non-medical health professions.
As long ago as the early 1970s this topic was one of concern, at least in Europe, when the
first Chairs of Nursing were being established. There have been substantial developments
in that profession over the intervening years, accompanied by positive changes in attitudes,
in relationships, and the increase in teamwork referred to above. Increasing technology,
knowledge, training and professional co-operation have benefited both the professions and
But the apprehensions expressed above arise substantially from concerns related to some
health professionals undertaking roles for which they are much less extensively prepared as
those who have undertaken the long and rigorous medical training. Whilst it is possible to
provide special training for specific activities or diseases, there is concern that patient safe-
ty could be affected. Whilst each professional has a duty to work only within their area of
competence, with the introduction of extended new roles this is causing concern It is par-
ticularly important that where new health professionals are being introduced, patients
should be aware of their professional role and the limits of their training. This certainly
means that the professional title should not be open to misinterpretation or imply in any
way that the competence is that of a fully qualified medical practitioner. This issue is a now
matter of concern to NMAs in many countries.
The role of medical and paramedical health professionals is complementary It has been so
for many years, and in many countries and within countries this has substantially increased,
Evolution of Health Professions
with a real feeling of partnership between
the professionals. With the global crisis of
human health resources which will be the
topic of WHO for this year, and for a decade
of action “Human Resources for Health”, it
is vital that all the health professions work
together to ensure that maximum use is
made of the potential of each profession,
and that roles and functions are clearly
defined and adequate training provided. To
this end the health professions, faced with
the changing spheres of activity, need to re-
examine their own scope of practice and
engage in active productive dialogue to
achieve this and ensure that the resources of
the health professions are used in the best
way, even if this involves some change in
traditional roles.
Alan Rowe
Today it is clear to everyone that telecommunications will be the new driving force for eco-
nomic and social systems worldwide. The paradigms of communication are currently
evolving at an enormous pace away from paper-based methods directly towards electronic
mechanisms, at all levels. This entails massive changes everywhere which can rightly be
compared to the industrial revolution with all of its social and economic upheavals.
While up to now most national regulations have been dominated by regional interests, it
comes as no surprise that these are becoming ever more strongly influenced by internation-
al aspects and interactions with foreign structures. Until today every physician practised as
a doctor basically only within his/her own national context. Spurred on by the increasing
rise in cross border traffic and telecommunications in medicine, this will no longer be the
case in the foreseeable future. A World-Wide trend has been initiated.
The European Community1
recognized this fact and has recently adopted Directive
2005/36/EC on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications. This expressly mandates
“the abolition of obstacles to the free movement of persons and services” and in this con-
text explicitly gives each professional “the right to pursue a profession, in a self employed
or employed capacity, in a member state other than the one in which they have obtained
their professional qualifications”.
It is obvious that these regulations will also have a massive impact on the medical commu-
nity. However, in a separate directive, liberalising the provision of services in other mem-
ber states, the European Parliament in February this year, voted to exclude the health sec-
tor. MEP’s also voted to reject article 23 of the Directive, which would have given cross-
border patients guarantees of reimbursement of treatment costs. The motivation can pre-
sumably be found in differing basic premises of the various health care systems which
entail major differences in health care management. In some countries enormous waiting
lists already dominate medical diagnostics and therapy as a last resort to curtail rising costs,
while in contrast, these services remain readily available in other countries. In this context
“health tourism” is the last thing any nation wants to foster. However, the trend towards
mobility of patients and providers cannot be stopped.
The technological mainstay of the secure exchange of medical data in the future will indis-
putably be the methods of authentification and signature as they are offered by health pro-
fessional cards. Only these can achieve a sufficiently high level of security as to be usable
Health Professional Card
European Developments presage
Worldwide Activities
Dr. med. Christoph F-J Goetz
in the sensitive area of health care. In
recognition of this fact many nations have
begun the planning and development of
health professional cards for their own
medical community.
In the last years quite a number of national
smart card projects with major impact were
initiated worldwide. Compiled as part of a
Trailblazer project, the White Paper on
“Open Smart Card Infrastructure” (OSCIE)
gives an excellent overview of activities in
. With a special focus on health
professional cards the following projects
were especially formative for current tech-
nology and trends:
• France (Groupement d’intérêt Public,
Carte de Professionnel de Santé),
• Germany (Heilberufsausweise für Ärzte,
Zahnärzte, Apotheker und Psychothera-
• Netherlands (NICTIZ, Nationaal ICT
Instituut in de Zorg) and
• Slovenia (Profesionalna kartica, ZZZS,
Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje
Early on it was recognised that functional
interoperability and widespread acceptance
will be crucial for this new technology, and
standardisation activities initiated.
In Europe, the Technical Committee 251
“Health Informatics” (TC 251) of the
Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN)
focuses its activities concerning “Security,
Safety and Quality” in Working Group III.
In the year 2000 this Group III put togeth-
er the first version of the European pre-
The European unification started 1957 with six
states. Through various expansions the European
Community now has 25 members since May 2004.
These are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden and the United Kingdom. In addition, four
nations are currently also planning entry to the EC:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Rumania and Turkey.
Open Smart Card Infrastructure for Europe, White
Paper of the eEurope Smart Card Trailblazer 11,
OSCIE, Volume 1, Part 4, March 2003. Latest
version of OSCIE papers are available from
“www.eeurope-smartcards.org” and
equivalent requirements and qualifications.
Standardisation makes faster and easier
transfer of knowledge and innovation pos-
sible, and thereby lowers cost and increases
availability. These commercial truisms also
hold true for medical care. It is clear that
the functional interoperability of secure
authentification and information transfer in
medicine will be the indispensable corner-
stone for future applications and deserves
our unmitigated support.
Dr. med. Christoph F-J Goetz
Director Telemedicine
Bavarian Administration of Statutory
Office Based Physicians
Elsenheimer Strasse 39, D-80687 Munich,
Phone: +49.89.57093-2470
Fax: +49.89.57093-61470
Mobile: +49.172.9544621
standard ENV 13729 “Health informatics –
Secure user identification – Strong authen-
tication using microprocessor cards”. This
is currently undergoing revision under the
leadership of the author, with support of the
KVB (Bavarian Administration of Statutory
Office Based Physicians) and the BAEK
(German Medical Chamber). Due to the
broad range of interoperability issues fore-
seeable in this context, and because of
national healthcare responsibilities and dif-
fering (or even currently non-existent) tech-
nical frameworks, it has been deemed nec-
essary to gather an up-to-date and encom-
passing overview of salient information
regarding national activities for healthcare
professional cards in the member states of
the EC before starting this revision.
The following aspects will be covered in
this study:
1) Identification of institutions responsi-
ble for planning and rollout of nation-
al healthcare professional cards,
2) identification and enumeration of
involved healthcare professions,
3) identification of industrial solutions
and product providers,
4) documentation of the status of current
plans and development,
5) identification of technical correspon-
dents for HPC queries, and finally
6) collection of design frameworks
and/or guides of national HPC’s.
The output of this agenda will be a techni-
cal report to support ENV 13729 and it is
expected (depending on the rapidity of
feedback) that the work can largely be
completed within 2006. It has already been
decided that the results of this European
report will be shared with the correspond-
ing Working Group 5 “Health Cards” of the
Technical Committee 215 “Health
Informatics” (TC 215), which is part of the
International Standards Organization
(ISO), so that a world-wide overview can
be expected to be available by 2007.
To summarise, it is essential to recognise
that in medicine, as everywhere else, stan-
dardisation enables the national and inter-
national exchange of products and services
and reduces their costs by specifying
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
Currently nobody knows exactly whether
we will face a new human pandemic with a
mutated avian influenza virus or not. So far,
the pandemic is mainly an animal disease
and the cases of infected human beings are
linked to direct contact with infected ani-
mals. But if the H5N1-virus mutates into a
strain which can easily pass between human
beings resulting in a new human pandemic
with dramatic effects, we are sure to be con-
fronted with serious ethical decisions, in
addition to huge other problems They can
be anticipated and are not new – the coming
ethical problems are well known.
First of all, a global human influenza pan-
demic will bind enormous capacities in the
health care systems all over the world.
Highly developed medical systems in
wealthy countries might be able to cope
with the challenges of treating an extremely
high number of sick people in a more
acceptable way. They might have enough
human and material resources to react in a
way that minimises the number of people
infected and dying from the disease. But
most health care systems in the world will
not be able to respond adequately to the
increased health care needs. They lack the
necessary reserves. Their medical capaci-
ties are already insufficient to cope with
their daily health problems, let alone to
cope with a new human pandemic flu. Less
developed health care systems face two
options, both of which pose serious dilem-
mas; they can either concentrate on fighting
the new human pandemic at the expense of
other urgent health care needs, or they can
neglect the new pandemic trying to main-
tain the level of other health care services.
In any case, the consequences will be dev-
astating for the people involved, the avian
influenza victims or those with other sick-
nesses. And the choice between these two
options is a difficult one, with ethical impli-
cations. On the one hand the responsible
health care officials have to decide under
conditions of some uncertainty based on
vague data about the outcome of their mea-
sures, on the other hand they have to choose
the appropriate aim of their strategy: Should
one follow the utilitarian goal to minimize
the number of fatalities, or should other
considerations govern the decisions, e.g.
egalitarian considerations that give all indi-
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
Avian influenza: A possible new human
pandemic with old ethical problems
Prof. Urban Wiesing MD, PhD, Georg Marckmann MD, MPH
viduals an equal chance of treatment
regardless of the overall outcome?
Even well-funded health care systems will
be confronted with a shortage of antiviral
drugs, vaccines, hospital beds and health
care professionals for the treatment of avian
influenza patients. Who should receive the
available drugs, who be vaccinated first, or
who get the needed hospital beds? Those
who are able to pay the price – which will
highly increase? Or the professionals who
are responsible for the public health system
and for the treatment of infected people?
Should the drug be distributed by ability to
pay in a free market or in a regulated way
for the benefit of the greatest number? The
answer is dearly in favour of maximising
the overall benefits. Consequently, most
pandemic plans give priority to health care
workers and other professionals who help
to maintain public order. Understandably, it
always places a heavy burden on a physi-
cian to decide between two patients in the
absence of capacitiesy to treat both.
Therefore, the World Medical Association
has defined a clear priority in its “Statement
on Medical Ethics in the Event of
Disasters” (1994) [3] When the circum-
stances do not allow the treatment of every
patient who under normal conditions could
be treated, the “decision to ‘abandon an
injured person’ on account of priorities dic-
tated by the disaster situation cannot be
considered ‘failure to come to the assistance
of a person in mortal danger It is justified
when it intends to save the maximum num-
ber of victims.” (3.3.e)
In addition to the ethical problems of allo-
cating scarce resources within a health care
system, there will be even more dramatic
problems regarding the distribution of
health services between health care systems.
It can be expected that people in wealthy
countries with highly developed medical
systems will have a better chance to survive
than those in low-income countries. What
can be seen in the HIV pandemic will most
probably also happen in a possible – and
hopefully never arriving – human influenza
pandemic: the survival rates will depend on
the wealth of a country, region or group of
people within a certain state. Only the pure
chance of living in one or the other country
leads to tremendous differences in the prob-
ability of surviving. A possible human
influenza pandemic will show once again
the unjust distribution of health services
around the world.
Another set of ethical issues arises from the
restriction of individual rights in the inter-
est of the public health. During the history
of medicine it has always been a problem to
what extent individual rights may legiti-
mately be restricted to protect the health of
other people. Under what circumstances is
it permisable to put infected or other people
in quarantine? As long as the quarantine is
short and does not reduce the survival rate
of those infected, most people will probably
agree voluntarily to quarantine. But if the
restriction of individual freedom is exten-
sive and if the restriction leads to signifi-
cant financial disadvantages or even the
loss of a job, the ethical balancing seems
more difficult. How far can the freedom of
movement be restricted, in particular if peo-
ple are not infected but live in an area in
which cases of avian influenza occurred?
To what extent may the daily living of so
far uninvolved people be restricted to pre-
vent a human pandemic? Restrictive action
for public health purposes may also include
overriding the right to privacy. The Council
on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the
American Medical Association set up a rec-
ommendation that tries to balance the pro-
tection of “individual rights of liberty and
self-determination” and “the public health
requirements”. As a general rule, “quaran-
tine and isolation should use the least
restrictive measures available that will min-
imize negative effects on the community
through disease control, while providing
protections for individual rights”. [1] In
addition, any quarantine or isolation mea-
sures should be based on sound scientific
evidence and the people should be
informed about the rationale behind the
restrictive public health interventions,
which in turn will increase the likelihood
that they comply voluntarily with the
Finally, what can be legitimately demanded
from health care workers? On the one hand,
health professionals will have an increased
risk to being infected while caring for
influenza patients. On the other hand, they
have the professional obligation to put the
interest of their patients first and treat the
patients who are most in need. Certainly,
health care workers voluntarily assume a
special responsibility by choosing to
become a health professional, a responsibil-
ity that includes increased health risks. But
do they have to take any risk no matter how
threatening it is? Do they have the right to
refuse to treat infected patients if they are
not willing to risk a life-threatening infec-
tion themselves? The answer remains open.
At least, any available precautions should
be taken to minimize the health risk for
health professionals by providing protec-
tive equipment, preventive immunizations
and preferential access to antiviral drugs if
they have been infected. Still, considerable
health risks remain and so far professional
codes do not provide sufficient guidance on
what can be demanded from health care
workers. Even the detailed recommenda-
tions of the University of Toronto’s Joint
Centre of Bioethics remain vague on these
difficult ethical issues [2]
However some procedural ethical values
are undisputed in open democratic soci-
eties: The ethical choices involved in a
human pandemic of avian influenza should
be discussed publicly, openly and in
advance. Any measures should be based on
the available scientific evidence and explic-
it ethical reasoning. It is better to involve
the public before the crisis than during the
crisis. It will increase the success of all
measures if people realize that the fight
against a pandemic flu is also their concern:
Their contribution is necessary for success-
ful interventions against the pandemic and
they, as individuals, will benefit from these
concerted actions. Apart from concrete
plans for early response and containment, a
broad societal discourse about the underly-
ing ethical choices that will have to be
made is probably crucial for a successful
fight against a new influenza pandemic. We
should rather start this public dialogue
sooner than later, on a national as well as on
an international level.
[1] American Medical Association, Council
on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. (2005) The
Use of Quarantine and Isolation as Public
health Intervention. http://www.ama
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
[2] University of Toronto Joint Centre for
Bioethics, Pandemic Influenza Working
Group. Stand on Guard for Thee Ethical
considerations in preparedness planning for
pandemic influenza 2005, http://www.
ic. pdf
[3] World Medical Association Statement
on Medical Ethics in the Event of Disasters
(Adopted by the 46th WMA General
Assembly Stockholm, Sweden, September
1994) (https://www.wma.net/e/policy-
Adress for correspondence:
Prof. Urban Wiesing, MD PhD
Georg Marckmann, MD, MPH
Tübingen University
Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine
Schleichstr. 8
D-72076 Tübingen
Email: urban.wiesing@uni-tuebingen.de
“Caring Physicians of the World”
Last year’s WMA President’s project was marked during the 2006 WMA meeting in
Santiago by the launch of the book “Caring Physicians of the World”. This beautifully
written and illustrated book presents the sixty five “Caring Physicians of the World”
selected by a WMA panel from the several hundred nominations made by National
Medical Associations
In his introduction, Dr Yank Coble, while referring to the importance of individual physi-
cians’ commitment to knowledge of medical science, its utilisation, and the observance
of the principles of medical ethics, stresses the primary importance of “Caring” with the
quotation “I don’t care how mach you know about (science and ethics) until I know how
much you care” (anon). The book also quotes Sir William Osler as also quoted in the
book “The most important thing is caring, so do it first, for a caring physician best
inspires hope and trust” This quality is clearly illustrated by the description of work and
activities of those whose names appear in this book
The book covers a wide spectrum of individuals whose devotion and work as “Caring
Physicians” encompasses not only their care of individuals, but also extends to “social
leadership on behalf of the Public Health, scientific progress, society’s resources and the
welfare of human kind”. It includes not only some internationally recognised names but
many who are little or generally recognised, whose caring qualities have been applied to
those in need in all corners of the earth, both urban and remote, isolated and sometimes
otherwise uncared for.
It is little wonder that this book, honouring those chosen by their colleagues for their exem-
plary care, not only makes fascinating and inspiring reading, has also stimulated great
worldwide interest and attention. It merits reading by both doctors and their patients alike
(for details visit www.wma.net.)
Doctors around the world look to the WMA
for definitive guidance on professional
ethics. Recent controversy over the medical
management of hunger strikes, however,
has not only re-opened the issue of whether
doctors can ever ethically feed protesters
against their will but highlighted the fact
that the WMA has two different approaches,
and indeed two different policies, on the
issue. This is leading to some confusion and
needs urgently to be addressed by the
It is widely recognized that the WMA’s
1975 Declaration of Tokyo never intended
to provide guidance on the management of
hunger strikes. Its remit was the prohibition
of doctors’ involvement in torture. It says
that doctors should not resuscitate victims
to allow torture to continue, but also says
that they should not resuscitate prisoners
who fast in order to end their lives in a bid
to escape further torture. According to the
Tokyo Declaration, which is now a key
human rights text, artificial feeding should
not be instated “where a prisoner refuses
nourishment and is considered by the physi-
cian to be capable of forming an unim-
paired and rational judgement concerning
the consequences”.
Contrary to this clear prohibition on feeding
when prisoners refuse it, the WMA’s 1991
Declaration of Malta, ambiguously leaves
Medical management of hunger-strikers
Mr. J. N. Johnson, M.D., FRCS, FRCP, FDSRCS
to doctors the decision on whether to artifi-
cially feed hunger strikers. This
Declaration which deals exclusively with
hunger-strikes, resulted from South African
doctors appealing for more detailed guid-
ance on the subject. The Declaration elo-
quently raises, but fails to answer, the
dilemma of whether “sanctity of life” or
“respect of individual autonomy” should be
the key issue.
Clear WMA guidance on this matter is in
demand since the Malta Declaration is
increasingly quoted on both sides of the
debate about whether or not protesters can
be force fed or artificially fed against their
expressed wishes. Hunger strikes have also
become more complex in the 15 years since
the Malta Declaration. Distinctions
between prisoners determined to fast to
death and those calculating to prolong their
protest but ultimately survive, was blurred
by the Turkish hunger strikers of the 1990s.
They showed that they could lengthen the
protest by partial fasts. Deaths occurred,
but only after extra months allowed consid-
erably more pressure to be put on the
authorities. Collective hunger strikes, such
as those in Spain and Turkey, also raised
questions about whether prisoners could
make truly voluntary decisions in situations
where there was likely to be considerable
peer pressure. The WMA Declaration of
Malta does not provide guidance to doctors
faced with such cases.
Another problematic aspect of current
WMA guidance is that it conflates artificial
feeding and forced feeding. Many would
argue that any medical intervention based
on force, coercion or intimidation must be
clearly prohibited by the WMA. Artificial
feeding without coercion can be an accept-
able way to defuse a hunger strike situation.
The BMA is calling on the WMA to review
and upgrade its guidance. The guidelines
must be made clearer and a background
document exploring the complex issues in
greater depth is also needed. Doctors are
hoping that the WMA will firmly uphold its
commitment to promulgating consensus
ethics around the world.
Mr. J. N. Johnson, M.D.,
Chairman of Council
British Medical Association
Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP
Medical Ethics and Human Rights
The Constitution of the World Health Orga-
nization states that the “enjoyment of the
highest attainable standard of health is one
of the fundamental rights of every human
being…” International statements on
human rights, such as the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights and the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, support the right to health and
require signatory nations to secure its obser-
Despite the widespread, although by no
means universal, acceptance of the right to
health, both its meaning and its application
are problematic. It cannot mean a right to be
healthy, since much illness is impossible to
prevent or cure. Nor can it mean that indi-
viduals have a right to all needed health care
services, since the demand for such services
is greater than the supply in even the
wealthiest countries. There seems to be gen-
eral agreement that the right to health entails
a minimum requirement that individuals
should be protected from actions that under-
mine their health. There is much disagree-
ment as to whether individuals have a fur-
ther right to equal access to needed health
care in their country or elsewhere. Some
countries accept and promote this right
while in others, access to health care is large-
ly dependent on one’s financial resources.
Even where the right to health is accepted, it
is often difficult to implement because of a
severe shortage of resources. This is clearly
the situation in many developing countries,
although some of these countries (e.g., Sri
Lanka) have managed to promote equitable
access to their limited health care resources,
with extremely positive results for the over-
all health status of the population.
In 2000 the Committee on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights, which was created to
monitor the International Covenant on Eco-
nomic, Social and Cultural Rights, issued a
report on the right to health. It interpreted
this right “as an inclusive right extending
not only to timely and appropriate health
care but also to the underlying determinants
of health, such as access to safe and potable
water and adequate sanitation, an adequate
supply of safe food, nutrition and housing,
healthy occupational and environmental
conditions, and access to health-related edu-
cation and information, including on sexual
and reproductive health. A further important
The Right to Health
aspect is the participation of the population
in all health-related decision-making at the
community, national and international lev-
els.” According to the Committee, States
have the following obligations in relation to
the right to health: “The right to health, like
all human rights, imposes three types or
levels of obligations on States parties: the
obligations to respect, protect and fulfil. In
turn, the obligation to fulfil contains oblig-
ations to facilitate, provide and promote….
The obligation to respect requires States to
refrain from interfering directly or indirect-
ly with the enjoyment of the right to health.
The obligation to protect requires States to
take measures that prevent third parties
from interfering with article 12 guarantees.
Finally, the obligation to fulfil requires
States to adopt appropriate legislative,
administrative, budgetary, judicial, promo-
tional and other measures towards the full
realization of the right to health.”
Also in 2000 the United Nations General
Assembly adopted the United Nations Mil-
lennium Declaration that includes eight
Millennium Development Goals to be
achieved by 2015. Five of these relate to the
right to health: halve extreme poverty and
hunger, reduce under-five mortality by
two-thirds, reduce maternal mortality by
three-quarters, reverse the spread of dis-
eases, especially HIV/AIDS and malaria,
and ensure environmental sustainability.
In 2002 the United Nations Commission on
Human Rights appointed, for a period of
three years, a Special Rapporteur whose
mandate focuses on the right of everyone to
the enjoyment of the highest attainable
standard of physical and mental health. The
mandate was extended in 2005 for three
years, and the Special Rapporteur was
asked, among other things, “To gather,
request, receive and exchange information
from all relevant sources, including Gov-
ernments, intergovernmental organizations
and non-governmental organizations, on
the realization of the right of everyone to
the enjoyment of the highest attainable
standard of physical and mental health.”
Medical associations have not been particu-
larly outspoken on the right to health in
general but have tended to focus on specif-
ic rights. The WMA’s principal documents
in this respect are the Declaration of Lisbon
on the Rights of the Patient and the Declara-
tion of Ottawa on the Right of the Child to
Health Care. In 1998 the WMA General
Assembly adopted a Resolution on
Improved Investment in Health Care that,
while not mentioning a right to health, nev-
ertheless urged governments and intergov-
ernmental agencies to provide the requisite
conditions for the exercise of this right,
especially access to good quality health
Readers are invited to provide information
on other medical association or research
activities related to privacy and confiden-
tiality of personal health information to
Medical Science, Professional Practice and Education
The substance of this paper was presented
at the WMA Santiago meeting 2005.
Almost sixty years after the start of the
UK’s National Health Service, the NHS is
in trouble. Despite unprecedented levels of
investment, a massive financial deficit is
forecast for the current year. If unit costs
cannot be reduced over the next two years
there will be serious doubts as to whether
we can sustain an NHS free at the point of
use and offering comprehensive services to
all. That would be a tragedy.
Health Care Policy Reform – the UK National
Health Service
Mr James Johnson, MD, FRCS, Chairman of Council, British
Medical Association.
The human genome sequence, now almost
complete, is a driving force behind research,
focussing on the impact of genetic differ-
ences between people, many of which affect
health. Another key theme is how genetic
information is translated into biological
function, whether in terms of the ‘biological
clock’ governing cell division in tissues, or
gene expression in health and disease.
Beyond the helix
It is now calculated that humans have only
about 23,000 genes operating, some of
which have died out or are dying out over
the course of evolution. Thus our biological
complexity is more likely to be related to
how these genes are used, incorporating
feedback to ensure maximum effectiveness,
in the solution to problems of how and
where the genes can be switched on and off
during development. Many different mech-
anisms of gene control are being discovered
– indeed the higher order arrangement of
DNA is turning out to be particularly impor-
tant. For example, it has been found that the
DNA of active genes is not linear, as typi-
cally drawn in textbooks, but rather is
looped, with control proteins shared
between the start and end points of the gene.
Such looping of the structure is essential for
the activation of the gene.
Gene control
RNA interference (RNAi) is an exciting
area of study, as these tiny RNAs can
Medical Science, Professional Practice and Education
Human Genetics And Biomedical Research
silence genes very effectively. Generally
they act by triggering a massive destruction
of the intermediate messenger RNA as it is
read from a gene. Small RNA molecules
can somehow insert themselves causing
tightlypacked DNA to shut down its gene
Premature ageing
Dyskeratosis congenita is a devastating dis-
ease that leads to premature ageing, bone
marrow failure and cancer. Over the past
few years, Professor Inderjeet Dokal and
colleagues at Imperial College, London,
have identified the genetic basis of this rare
inherited disorder. They have clarified why
symptoms appear earlier in successive gen-
Affecting about one person in every million,
the mutations that cause dyskeratosis con-
genita disrupt telomeres the tips of the chro-
mosomes, rather like the plastic cap on the
tips of shoelaces which keep the whole
structure together. When chromosomes are
copied during cell division, telomeres tend
to get shorter, from which remaining life
span can be predicted. In order to compen-
sate for this winding down effect, actively
dividing cells can synthesise the enzyme
telomerase, which repairs telomeres. Indeed,
close analysis of telomere structure can cal-
culate when a rare inherited disorder will
strike. Without telomerase, the cells will go
through a certain number of divisions, as far
as the Hayflick Limit, and then die.
Mutant genes, when switched on, such as
that coding for telomerase, mean that chro-
mosome repair is faulty. Tissues with rapid-
ly proliferating cells, such as skin, gut and
bone marrow, are the first to be affected.
The earliest sign of accelerated wear and
tear is usually abnormal skin pigmentation,
followed years later by cancer, premature
ageing and bone marrow failure, which
often proves fatal.
But why do children’s symptoms appear at
an earlier age than their parents? This phe-
nomenon is also seen in some other genetic
disorders, where a 3 letter fragment of DNA
multiplies in successive generations. The
length of a patients telomeres show when
symptoms will first emerge – the shorter the
telomere, the sooner symptoms appeared.
Ivan M. Gillibrand
The NHS was founded on an assumption
that once patients’ “need” had been satis-
fied, demand and costs would fall, over
time. It was introduced with the promise of
universal and efficient delivery of health
services. In reality, instead of demand and
costs falling, there have been rising
demands, costs and expectations. These are
global pressures experienced by health ser-
vices all over the world.
The UK’s NHS is an experiment in health
reform. Almost every conceivable lever has
been pulled to try to influence the system,
for example by reducing waiting times and
increasing quality. Although when elected
in 1997 the Labour Party was critical of an
internal market created by the previous
(Conservative) government, it is interesting
that after seven years in office, the Labour
government has recreated the basic model
and returned to incentives as the main
model of reform.
Recent NHS reforms have included a pledge
to increase the numbers of health profes-
sionals, including doctors, and the moderni-
sation of the infrastructure and services. The
number of medical school places has been
increased and we are attracting more doc-
tors from other parts of the European Union
and elsewhere. Nevertheless there are still
shortages in some specialities and in some
branches of the profession such as general
practice. It’s also true that in general prac-
tice the majority of the extra doctors recruit-
ed elect to work less than full time and
choose portfolio careers.
Improvements in NHS infrastructure have
been largely secured via the Private
Finance Initiative (PFI) using private sec-
tor money to build and staff new hospitals
which are then leased back to the NHS for
a limited period, typically 30 or 35 years.
Critics of PFI , and they are vociferous, say
this is a very expensive way of accessing
money and while it saves on capital costs it
leaves Hospital Trusts with a heavy debt
burden for many years. On the more posi-
tive side, clinicians have welcomed the
chance to move from outdated, deficient,
hospital buildings to modern purpose-
designed ones, albeit often with fewer beds.
It isn’t just NHS buildings which are old
fashioned and in need of modernisation.
Hospitals in particular have been slow to
take advantage of new technology, and in
General Practice, a multiplicity of IT sys-
tems mean that we still have not got the
ability to transfer patient records between
practices electronically – let alone between
hospital and GP.
To combat all this, the government has
commissioned a National Programme for
IT for the NHS (NPfIT) run by Connecting
for Health. The initial budget for the NPfIT
project was £6 billion sterling but commen-
tators predict this will be substantially
exceeded. Described as the world’s largest
civil computer programme, NPfIT includes
a national care records system to provide a
central database for the electronic health
records of 50 million patients. It also
includes “Choose and Book”, a software
system to allow people to select hospital
appointments from a choice of dates and
locations when they are referred to sec-
ondary care by their GP. Suffice to say there
have been problems implementing the sys-
tems and neither is fully operational.
The British Medical Association has criti-
cised the IT project for failing to engage
with clinicians from the start. Quite late on,
the Department of Health appointed clinical
advisors who have been helpful, but by the
time they came on board a great many doc-
tors felt alienated.
In terms of other NHS Reforms, clinical
governance was tightened and a raft of bod-
ies brought in to implement it and to sup-
port learning activities. These included the
Modernisation Agency, the National
Patient Safety Agency and the short-lived
NHS University. Hierarchical reforms to
the NHS include setting national standards
and targets, inspection and regulation from
the centre, published information on perfor-
mance and other central interventions.
The National Institute for Clinical Excel-
lence (NICE), was set up to examine new
drugs and treatment to determine whether
they should be available on the NHS.
National Service Frameworks emerged to
direct clinicians towards best treatments for
certain conditions, and the Healthcare
Commission (formerly CHI, the Commi-
ssion for Health Improvement) is an inde-
pendent organisation which inspects health
services. Its duties include giving local
Trusts and NHS bodies a rating to reflect
their performance. Initially this was a star
rating system which my Association has
condemned as far too crude to offer any
useful information to patients or to the
NHS. The star ratings are being replaced by
new measures which will separately look at
a Trusts’ financial management.
These Healthcare Commission ratings are
important to NHS hospitals seeking to
become Foundation Hospitals, which are
free from the normal constraints under
which the majority of NHS Trusts operate.
Only three star Trusts are eligible to apply
for Foundation status.
As incentives to drive these changes to the
NHS, the Government has introduced choice
and commissioning policies. Patient choice
is to drive the reform agenda, with people
given more say in how when and where
they access treatments. Money will follow
the patient’s journey through the NHS and
this will be effected via Payment by
Results. A fixed national tariff will be
payable to NHS providers – including the
growing number of independent sector
organisations providing NHS care – for
each treatment. At present only Foundation
Trusts are covered by Payment by Results
but the intention is for all NHS hospitals to
operate under the system from April 2006.
At the same time the government wants to
take the role of commissioning services
away from local NHS bodies and hand it to
other commissioners, notably general prac-
titioners under a scheme called Practice
Based Commissioning. The hope is that by
giving clinicians the commissioning role,
costs will be constrained and more patients
will be treated nearer to home in a commu-
nity setting, rather than in expensive acute
hospitals and other secondary care.
So far, take up on Practice Based Commi-
ssioning has been patchy and somewhat
lukewarm. Potential commissioners are
dubious about assuming the role in the face
of large-scale deficits in local NHS bud-
gets. Payment by Results has the potential
to attract even more care into the hospital
sector, driving up NHS costs, and the gov-
ernment clearly hopes that Practice Based
Commissioning with contain that.
Medical Science, Professional Practice and Education
Key Changes in the UK
In future the NHS will have less emphasis
on the state’s role as provider and more as
a purchaser of care. It will be less directive
of local services and act more as a regula-
tor, setting the framework for a competitive
market in the provision of healthcare.
We will see greater devolvement of man-
agerial responsibility, while retaining cen-
tral direction through the use of financial
incentives and quality standards.
Most importantly there will be plurality of
provision with health care delivered by
both public and private sectors, still free at
the point of use. Independent Sector
Treatment Centres have been introduced in
secondary care to bring down waiting times
and lists, amid many concerns among NHS
staff that their introduction risks destabilis-
ing existing hospitals which train staff and
provide round the clock NHS care in all its
General Practice is also changing. A new
contract for GPs introduced in 2004 con-
tains a Quality and Outcomes Framework
rewarding GPs according to the quality of
services they provide. General practice is
now said to have “over-delivered” causing
the contract to cost more than the govern-
ment expected. GPs are able to point to the
high quality care they provide for patients.
Nevertheless a national shortage of GPs
means that some areas are “under-doc-
tored”. The government is opening up the
service to commercial providers for the
first time. It is providing wider access with
walk-in centres and plans to bring more
care out of hospitals closer to patients’
There is an ideological debate taking place
in the UK over whether the “socialised”
model of healthcare is being dismantled
and the NHS privatised. The financing of
UK healthcare has not changed. The gov-
ernment pledges that money will continue
to come from general taxation. We are
experiencing a privatisation of provision.
The change is in provision and delivery of
UK healthcare
Doctors see threats and opportunities in
this – more providers means a choice of
employers and while there is a shortage of
doctors, more freedom to move around.
The future picture of health policy is uncer-
tain, but incentives ensure that service pro-
vision will change radically.
The NHS has seen a huge increase in fund-
ing in the past five years so that by 2007/08
it will have risen to approach 10% of total
GDP. Britain will by then be spending on
health sums comparable to other countries
of the Western world, with the exception of
the USA. Certainly in recent years we have
seen a marked change in the proportion of
GDP we spend on health. Five years into
this investment, people are questioning
whether there has been commensurate
People ask where has the money gone.
Rectifying the legacy of historic under-
funding has absorbed some of it. New tech-
nology and new buildings account for
more. New contracts for NHS staff account
for half of the resources, and incentives to
reach government targets have swallowed
up an appreciable amount.
Despite higher numbers of doctors, the UK
is still relatively low in the league table of
practising physicians per 1000 population.
Few westernised countries have lower
ratios than the UK. Yet we face increasing
pressures on the NHS resulting from an
increase in the number of elderly people in
the population, many of whom will have
multiple morbidity.
Challenges for policy makers
The Finance Ministry and the Department
of Health have two key priorities. They
must enhance productivity and they must
increase self management of care. The first,
they plan to tackle by changing service pro-
vision and patterns of working within the
NHS. Their approach to increasing self
management of care is through giving
patients greater choice of care pathways
outside hospital.
The current level of NHS investment
growth will cease in 2008 and we will
return to the relative low annual increases
of around 2.5%. If the system is not work-
ing well by then, people will question
whether a “free-at-the-point-of-use” model
is sustainable. We have two years left to
sort out the financial problems and demon-
strate that the NHS can work.
Mr James Johnson
Chairman of Council,
British Medical Association
Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP
Medical Science, Professional Practice and Education
Nobel Peace Laureates and representa-
tives of 20 million health care providers
call on governments to fund the scale up
of human resources needed to fight TB
GENEVA, 21 March 2006 – Nobel Peace
Laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu and
Betty Williams joined forces with global
healthcare organizations representing more
than 20 million health care providers in
highlighting the need to provide the neces-
sary human resources to fight the growing
TB threat in high burden countries. They
called on governments to immediately com-
mit to fund, train and scale-up the health
care workforce to combat TB and help pre-
vent 5 000 daily deaths from this curable
disease. At this special event, Eli Lilly &
Company and six leading global health and
relief organizations launched a number of
Collaboration with the Global Health Initiative
of the World Economic Forum: Initiatives
launched to address training and education
needs in TB burdened countries
initiatives to tackle the human resources
crisis in TB treatment.
Though 90% of the world’s population live
in countries that have adopted the interna-
tionally recommended strategy for control-
ling TB, an adequately trained health care
workforce is required to fully implement
control programmes and save an additional
14 million lives over the next ten years.
According to the Stop TB Partnership, it is
estimated that US$250 million is needed
every year to provide technical assistance to
countries to provide the training and
strengthening of TB control services to mil-
lions of care providers.
To address this, the International Council of
Nurses (ICN), the International Hospital
Federation (IHF), and the World Medical
Association (WMA) their new on-site and
distance learning TB training programmes
for nurses, hospital managers, doctors and
laboratory technicians, which are being
rolled-out in the high-burden countries. The
World Economic Forum and the
International Federation of the Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies outlined their
new programs to introduce TB prevention
and treatment into the workplace and com-
munities, so that workers and families can
be diagnosed correctly and the social stig-
ma of the disease reduced.
This event follows the announcement of the
Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015 at the
Annual Meeting of the World Economic
Forum in Davos, and aims to raise aware-
ness of the urgent need to expand and
strengthen human resources to deliver the
Global Plan. Tuberculosis is re-emerging as
a serious global health threat that causes 9
million new cases and 2 million deaths
every year. Of these new cases, 400 000 are
of increasingly virulent drugresistant
strains (MDR-TB), which are often
spawned by improper or incomplete treat-
ment of normal TB. In several countries of
Eastern Europe and Central Asia, MDR-TB
has increased to 15 % of new cases, while
in several African countries with high HIV
prevalence, rates of TB have tripled.
According to the WHO, fewer than 1 in 50
people who develop MDR-TB currently
have access to effective treatment and the
vast majority die.
Archbishop Tutu, speaking from his per-
sonal experience with TB, said “I urge the
G8, governments of TB burdened countries,
and international donors to address this gap
in funding for human resources urgently.”
The Archbishop, who contracted the dis-
ease as a child in South Africa, continued
“Without well-trained health care providers
in the field we cannot possibly combat this
curable disease which kills so many so
needlessly, and the Global Plan will fail.
Fourteen million lives can be saved and 50
million people treated in the next 10 years
if we address this crisis now and ramp-up
training and education in high burden coun-
Eli Lilly and Company has committed $70
million to a ground breaking global partner-
ship to fight multi-drug resistant tuberculo-
sis (Lilly MDR-TB Partnership**). Rich
Pilnik, Lilly President of Europe, Africa,
Middle East and CIS, comments: “The suc-
cessful treatment and prevention of this
silent killer is above all dependent on suffi-
cient well trained, mobilized and motivated
health providers, particularly for multi-drug
resistant tuberculosis. As some of the pro-
grams launched today show, we are begin-
ning to build the defences, but now we need
to fight this war with welltrained profes-
* High burden countries (the top 22
ranked by number of new TB cases)
include: Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Brazil, Cambodia, China, DR Congo,
Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya,
Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Philippines, Russian
Federation, South Africa, Tanzania,
Thailand, Uganda, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe.
** The Lilly MDR-TB Partnership is a
public-private initiative led by Eli Lilly
& Company to address the expanding
crisis of multi-drug resistant tuberculo-
sis (MDR-TB) The partnership is pursu-
ing a comprehensive strategy to fight
MDR-TB through increasing drug sup-
ply and discounting prices, providing
training in prevention, treatment, and
surveillance, and sharing drug manufac-
turing technology with nations most at
risk. For further information www.lil-
World Economic Forum
As part of its Global Health initiative
launched in January 2002, the World
Economic Forum (WEF) has developed a
unique TB Awareness Workplace Toolkit.
The toolkit, consisting of educational mate-
rials, awareness programs, and suggested
prevention techniques for teaching in the
workplace, will help employees, and com-
pany health-care staff better understand
symptoms of TB and seek timely diagnosis
and care.
The International Council of Nurses
(ICN), the International Hospital
Federation (IHF) and the World Medical
Association (WMA), have all produced
training programmes which include detect-
ing, planning and implementation of treat-
ment for both TB and MDR-TB.
Heroki Minami, President of ICN stated
“Nurses are usually and often the only
health care professionals to see a person
with TB or MDR-TB, particularly in strug-
gling health systems in developing coun-
tries where we are seeing TB re-emerging
The Director General of the IHF (Per-
Gunnar Svensson, said, “It is vital to recog-
nise that there is a need to include managers
of hospitals and health services in planning
and implementation of disease prevention
and control systems. Ignorance and non-
involvement/exclusion can lead to adoption
and implementation of counter-productive
decisions and actions”
ATB Distance-learning course is being pre-
pared by the WMA, whose manual is being
converted into a web-based course by the
Norwegian Medical Association for WMA,
and will provide Continuing Medical
Education (CME) accreditation. While
focusing on the quality of clinical care
needed to treat tuberculosis Dr. Otmar
Kloiber, Secretary-General of the WMA,
recognising the fundamental causes of this
disease and other global pandemics, said
“Tuberculosis is a disease that is strongly
related to social circumstances and living
conditions” and explained “To improve the
economic situation of the affected popula-
tions must be a central aim of any develop-
ment, in other words: Fight Poverty”.
Medical Science, Professional Practice and Education
I am honored to be here, to share my per-
spective on some of the World Medical
Association’s initiatives this past year.
What was accomplished where we’ve made
progress and the work yet to be done.
Among you, I see many familiar faces. Old
friends and new. I am proud to be associat-
ed with all of you, who care so much for
your patients, practice medicine with such
passion and who work so hard to live out
and uphold the ethics of our profession.
As WMA president, I tried to be true to that
mission. We want medical care everywhere
to be the best care anywhere. We promote
the highest standards of medical education,
ethics and science. And we expect the same
from the other players in our respective
health care systems – be they in the private
or public sectors.
And we have to expect something from our
patients, as well.
We cannot speak too much, or too often, of
the paramount importance of individual
health. It has been said that “He who has
health, has hope. And he who has hope, has
In the last century, a mere instant in the
timeline of human history, the rapid
advance of medical progress and innova-
tions in care has supplied that hope for
thousands of millions of people in need.
Herophilus, a physician in ancient Greece,
said “When health is absent, wisdom cannot
reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength
cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and
intelligence cannot be applied.”
You cannot put a price tag on hope, but
researchers have placed a value on the eco-
nomic return of investments in better health,
higher quality medical care and medical
research. It tells us the wealth of nations
depends on the health of nations. And it is
we, as physicians, who are the instruments
used to fulfill those hopes, address those
needs and meet those expectations.
The Canadian physician Sir William Osler,
who was a philosopher as much as he was a
doctor, described the heart and soul of what
we do more than 100 years ago, no matter
where we live. “The practice of medicine is
an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business;
a calling in which your heart will be exer-
cised equally with your head. Often the best
part of your work will have nothing to do
with potions and powders, but with the
exercise of an influence of the strong upon
the weak, of the righteous upon the wicked,
of the wise upon the foolish.”
It was just these sort of ethical issues that
led to the founding of the World Medical
Association in 1947. It’s stated purpose: ”to
serve humanity by endeavoring to achieve
the highest international standards in med-
ical education, medical science, medical art,
and medical ethics and health care for all
people of the world”.
Behind its founding was a sad fact of life –
that the same rapid advances in medical
technology and innovations in care that has
brought hope to millions could be twisted to
bring suffering to millions if conducted in
an ethical vacuum.
Since 1947, time and again, we’ve seen the
importance of National Medical Asso-
ciations acting in their role as nongovern-
mental organizations, acting together as the
vanguard for medical ethics. We saw it in
the aftermath of World War II, and we saw
it during the dictatorship in Iraq.
As our world becomes smaller with more
intertwined interests, so also, the medical
associations of the world need to tighten
their mutual bonds.
In this global village, we need to support
each other. We need to provide a balance to
a politics of scarcity that views medical care
and medical professions not as a value to be
cherished and protected but as a cost to be
cut, and controlled.
It was in that spirit that I approached my
term as president.
As you know, we sometimes cannot accom-
plish everything that we wish for in our
organization. But while our finances may be
limited, our imaginations are not, nor need
our influence or example.
When I assumed the WMA presidency, my
goal was to continue to communicate the
unique, enduring traditions and values of
the medical profession – that is caring,
ethics and science. These three values are
shared by physicians throughout the
As physicians we are committed to science
and the life-long process of learning. It
gives us a unique authority and perspective.
Ethics compel us to put the interests of the
patient or the public health first.
Caring, as Osler said, “is the most important
thing – so do it first. For it is the caring
physician who most inspires hope and trust.”
These traditions enable physicians to pro-
vide value, hope and trust to patients and
society. They make us powerful advocates
for our patients, our profession and the pub-
lic’s health. They give us a common lan-
guage of action and behavior. They are, in
short, what unify us.
I wanted to let the world know about the
good work we do as an organization – and
the great work done by physicians around
the world. To remind people that there’s a
human face on the concept – on the act – of
healing. That science, ethics and caring
aren’t just words but a way of life.
WMA General Assembly, Santiago Presidential
Valedictory Address, Yank D. Coble,
MD, MACP, MACE, October 14, 2005
“Apology: We apologise for the misprint in
WMJ 51(4) which, in the report of the Associ-
ates’ meeting, referred to a paper by the late
Dr. Doppelfeld. We are pleased to report that
Dr. Doppelfeld recovered from his spell in
hospital and we very much regret any distress
this may have caused”.
To me, that idea is represented in the Caring
Physicians of the World Initiative.
With the help of the Pfizer Medical
Humanities Initiative (PMHI) team, led by
Director Mike Magee, we decided to pro-
duce a publication profiling physicians
among those nominated by National
Medical Associations around the world.
These are physicians who carry on the tra-
dition of caring ethics and science while
practicing or teaching medicine in an array
of circumstances, some difficult, some dan-
gerous, all of them a challenge. And all the
while, they give of themselves in service to
patients or students.
Our national medical associations were
interested, but assembling this book would
require a lot of resources, including trips to
often remote locations to photograph this
international array of physicians and learn
their stories. Again, the PMHI Team
stepped forward with generous support. At
the same time, they left all decisions on
selection, writing and editing to us. We pre-
sented the idea at WMA gatherings
throughout 2004, and in November of that
year, requests for nominations were sent to
national associations.
We asked for rapid response so we could
complete the publication within one year
and launch the book during the WMA
Annual meeting in Santiago, Chile in
October, 2005.
The response was overwhelming. Within
two months, 55 national associations nomi-
nated more than 200 physicians. We heard
not only from members, but from NMAs
that were not yet members. We also received
nominations from people outside the med-
ical professions, particularly for physicians
who performed so admirably following the
South Asian tsunami of December, 2004.
Of the 200 nominees, 65 physicians were
selected, interviewed, photographed in their
home environments and profiled.
Physicians such as Valentin Pokrovsky, a
leading expert on AIDS and the first person
in Russia to describe HIV-infection and
Otar Toidze, a neurologist and epileptolo-
gist who became a Member of Parliament
in Georgia;
Emily Chan, President of the Hong Kong
section of Medecins Sans Frontieres;
Nanshan Zhong, China’s top expert on
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, who
played such a vital role in the SARS epi-
demic in 2002;
Benito Atienza of the Philippines, who cre-
ated the Child Community Health Workers
Hoang Dinh Cau, who is the chairman of
the Committee for Investigation of the
Consequences of Chemicals Used in the
Vietnam War;
Mamphela Ramphele, who was imprisoned
for her anti-apartheid political activities,
and went on to become the first black
woman Vice Chancellor at a South African
University and then a managing director of
the World Bank.
And John Awoonor-Williams from Ghana,
who works in one of the remotest areas of
the world as the only doctor serving a vast
Heroes all, immortalized not just in their
work, but now in words and pictures, as well.
We made our deadline. The book cleared
customs in Santiago less than 24 hours
before our scheduled launch two days ago,
October 12, 2005.
When we unveiled “Caring Physicians of
the World,” the event was attended by more
than 200 people .and we presented the first
volumes to our hosts, the Chilean Medical
Association and their nominee profiled in
the book.
A separate web site was linked to the WMA
web site and described in detail the purpose
behind the book – how it came to be pub-
lished – and why we believe it’s an important
glimpse into the lives of physicians the world
over. All nominees and all National Medical
Associations have received the “Caring
Physicians of the World” book. Some of you
have used the book in press conferences and
meetings with government officials and relat-
ed health professions and organizations.
More than 250 copies of the book were dis-
tributed to health and medical leaders in
Geneva at the World Health Organization
and other groups. In the United States,
copies have been distributed widely among
the leadership of the American Medical
Association and the leadership of national
medical specialty associations, state med-
ical associations, health related organiza-
tions, and government agencies.
If you want to read some positive reviews
and widespread publicity, type the words
“Caring Physicians of the World” into a
Google search.
All of this – the extraordinary expressions of
gratitude by the nominees – and by their
associations, families and friends, suggest
that physicians appreciate this sort of recog-
nition. For some, it is what helps them perse-
vere through often difficult circumstances.
NMA response has been equally gratifying.
Two of the largest NMAs in terms of physi-
cian numbers, who are WMA members but
were inactive and non dues paying for sev-
eral years, nominated physicians for inclu-
sion, subsequently paid dues, and request-
ed presentation of the book at an annual
The WHO has requested that the “Caring
Physicians of the World” book be presented
on April 7 during World Health Day and
presented to press conferences in London
or Lusaka. For our part, the WMA will hold
a press conference for the Ministers of
Health of all nations participating in the
WHA in Geneva in May 2006. We’ll be
showing off the book and making sure that
the WHO delegations get a copy. Beyond
that, plans are in the works to distribute the
book to English language medical schools,
and we’re seeking new venues to get this
message out.
“The Caring Physicians of the World,”
through photographs and words, conveys a
compelling story about the impact of med-
ical professionals on their communities and
their countries. I am confident that it will
continue to be a useful resource and refer-
ence for our organization and for those
organizations we engage.
NMA Survey & CPWI: Out-
reach and Regional Meetings
But this book was only one way the World
Medical Association is opening its lines of
In the summer of 2004 the WMA complet-
ed a survey of its member associations that
revealed that we share many of the same
concerns and needs, such as diminished
access to quality, safe, affordable medical
care, limited patient choice, reduction of
professional prestige, and appropriate
autonomy and compensation. These are
problems for our profession that cross all
national and cultural borders.
Knowing this helps the WMA better
approach our priorities and communicate
better with our member national associa-
tions. It also helps us communicate better
with outside organizations, and the public.
Our Caring Physicians of the World out-
reach effort is striving to re-introduce the
WMA to those national medical associa-
tions that have been inactive.
This included the associations from two of
the most populous nations on the planet.
In the space of a single one-year period, we
had four meetings with the Chinese
Medical Association and other medical
groups there – including the Shanghai First
World Medical Summit and the Shanghai
Medical University.
The World Medical Association’s Caring
Physicians of the World initiative also
reached out to India – I spoke in February
to the Indian Medical Association and
Medical Council of India in Delhi, and
addressed officials of their association
again in December.
The initiative’s outreach support also gave
the new Secretary General and President the
opportunity to visit jointly with NMAs, a
key representation benefit that would have
been otherwise impossible.These included
the annual meeting of the American Medical
Association, the inaugural ceremony of the
Canadian Medical Association, the
Confederation of Latin American Nations
and the Caribbean (CONFEMEL) in Costa
Rica, the Israel Medical Association, the
South African Medical Association, and the
Thailand Medical Association. We carried
our message of the Caring Physicians of the
world as well to the Hungarian Medical
Association, the Taiwan Medical
Association, the Colegio Medico de Mexico,
the Portuguese Medical Association, and the
British Medical Association.
The WMA took part in the WHO Executive
Board meetings in January and March,
2005, which focused on the tsunami res-
ponse effort; and also participated in the
WHO strategic workgroup on Diet, Fitness
and Health.
The WMA also reached out to the World
Health Assembly (WHA) in May.
Other events of note include:
• Keynoting of the WMA World Oceans
Forum November, 2004 in New York;
• Chairing the WMA Ethics Manual
launch in Geneva, Switzerland in
January, 2005 (the ethics manual has
already been translated into more than a
half-dozen languages);
• Addressing the World Bank Forum on
Counterfeit Drugs;
• Meetings with the World Bank leader-
ship on Global response to AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria;
• Participation in formation meetings of
the Iraqi Physicians Society and the
Project Hope Basra, at the Iraq Pediatric
• And addressing the US DHHS/DOD
Forum on disaster response for tsunami
effected countries.
Regional Meetings
The third component of the CPWI, stimu-
lated by NMA response to our WMA ques-
tionnaire the summer of 2004, was the
establishment of WMA/CPW Regional
Meetings of NMAs around the world These
meetings enable WMA to listen and learn
how to best serve their membership and
advocate on behalf of patients and the pro-
fession, enhance exchange of information
between WMA and NMAs, and among
NMAs in regions, and enhance NMA’s
effectiveness and growth.
The concerns expressed by NMAs reflected
the concerns of Physicians worldwide:
diminishing access to safe, affordable med-
ical care; limited patient choice; erosion of
professional prestige, and appropriate
autonomy and compensations.
The first regional meeting was among Sub-
Saharan NMAs in Johannesburg, South
Africa in January 2005. The second highly
successful regional meeting was among
Latin American NMAs here in Santiago
four days ago.
Regional meetings are planned for South
East Asian NMAs in November in Bang-
kok, European NMAs in Prague in
December 2005, and North American
NMAs in Florida March 2006.
Each of these regions and each of these
organizations have different needs and
interests and capabilities. Each can teach us
something new about the practice and value
of medicine. Each can tell us more about
why it is so important – to rally around the
banner of science, ethics and caring.
Science, Ethics and Caring
These are the three enduring traditions.
Science – ethics – caring.
We see these exemplified in the 65 of our
colleagues profiled in the “Caring Phy-
sicians of the World” book. We see it prac-
ticed by physicians everywhere.
They are what make us effective advocates
for patients and for our profession, no mat-
ter where we live. They give us an anchor –
a sense of permanence – in an imperfect
and transitory world of political upheavals,
policy shifts and spasms of public opinion.
Get involved – become an activist in nation-
al and international organizations that affect
your patients and your calling. That way,
you make an impact as an individual and as
part of chorus of powerful voices, singing as
one. A voice that makes entities in govern-
ment and industry which may seem distant
and unresponsive, sit up and take notice.
Also to learn what we do, what we stand for
and the values we embrace. All in the ser-
vice of our patients and the public health.
We are the global face of medicine. We
share a commitment to the best science – to
caring and compassion – and to the highest
ethical standards. We are by now familiar
with those profiled as Caring Physicians of
the World what they do every day to change
the course of health care in their communi-
ties and in their countries.
Our challenge, each and every one of us , is
to effect that change wherever we may live.
Because all of us are the “Caring Physicians
of the World.”
1. Alcohol use is deeply embedded in
many societies. Overall, 4% of the
global burden of disease is attributable
to alcohol, which accounts for about
as much death and disability globally
as tobacco or hypertension. Overall,
there are causal relationships between
alcohol consumption and more than
60 types of disease and injury includ-
ing traffic fatalities. Alcohol con-
sumption is the leading risk factor for
disease burden in low mortality devel-
oping countries and the third largest
risk factor in developed countries.
Beyond the numerous chronic and
acute health effects, alcohol use is
associated with widespread social,
mental and emotional consequences.
The global burden related to alcohol
consumption, both in terms of morbid-
ity and mortality, is considerable.
2. Alcohol-related problems are the
result of a complex interplay between
individual use of alcoholic beverages
and the surrounding cultural, econom-
ic, physical environment, political and
social contexts.
3. Alcohol cannot be considered an ordi-
nary beverage or consumer commodi-
ty since it is a drug that causes sub-
stantial medical, psychological and
social harm by means of physical tox-
icity, intoxication and dependence.
There is increasing evidence that
genetic vulnerability to alcohol depen-
dence is a risk factor for some individ-
uals. Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal
alcohol effects, preventable causes of
mental retardation, may result from
alcohol consumption during pregnan-
cy. Growing scientific evidence has
demonstrated the harmful effects of
consumption prior to adulthood on the
brains, mental, cognitive and social
functioning of youth and increased
likelihood of adult alcohol depen-
dence and alcohol related problems
among those who drink before full
physiological maturity. Regular alco-
hol consumption and binge drinking
in adolescents can negatively affect
school performance, increase partici-
pation in crime and adversely affect
sexual performance and behaviour.
4. Alcohol advertising and promotion is
rapidly expanding throughout the
world and is increasingly sophisticat-
ed and carefully targeted, including to
youth. It is aimed to attract, influence,
and recruit new generations of poten-
tial drinkers despite industry codes of
self-regulation that are widely ignored
and often not enforced.
5. Effective alcohol social policy can put
into place measures that control the
supply of alcohol and/or affect popu-
lation-wide demand for alcohol bever-
ages. Comprehensive policies address
legal measures to: control supply and
demand, control access to alcohol (by
age, location and time), provide public
education and treatment for those who
need assistance, levy taxation to affect
prices and to pay for problems gener-
ated by consumption, and harm-reduc-
tion strategies to limit alcohol-related
problems such as impaired driving
and domestic violence.
6. Alcohol problems are highly correlat-
ed with per capita consumption so that
reductions of use can lead to decreas-
es in alcohol problems. Because alco-
hol is an economic commodity, alco-
hol beverage sales are sensitive to
prices, i.e., as prices increase, demand
declines, and visa versa. Price can be
influenced through taxation and effec-
tive penalties for inappropriate sales
and promotion activities. Such policy
measures affect even heavy drinkers,
and they are particularly effective
among young people.
7. Heavy drinkers and those with alco-
hol-related problems or alcohol
dependence cause a significant share
of the problems resulting from con-
sumption. However, in most coun-
tries, the majority of alcohol-related
problems in a population are associat-
ed with harmful or hazardous drinking
by non-dependent ‘social’ drinkers,
particularly when intoxicated. This is
particularly a problem of young peo-
ple in many regions of the world who
drink with the intent of becoming
8. Although research has found some
limited positive health effects of low
levels of alcohol consumption in some
populations, this must be weighed
against potential harms from con-
sumption in those same populations as
well as in population as a whole.
9. Thus, population-based approaches
that affect the social drinking environ-
ment and the availability of alcoholic
beverages are more effective than
individual approaches (such as educa-
tion) for preventing alcohol related
problems and illness. Alcohol policies
that affect drinking patterns by limit-
ing access and by discouraging drink-
ing by young people through setting a
minimum legal purchasing age are
especially likely to reduce harms.
The World Medical Association Statement on reducing the global
Impact of Alcohol on Health and Society
Adopted by the WMA General Assembly, Santiago 2005
Laws to reduce permitted blood alco-
hol levels for drivers and to control
the number of sales outlets have been
effective in lowering alcohol prob-
10. In recent years some constraints on the
production, mass marketing and pat-
terns of consumption of alcohol have
been weakened and have resulted in
increased availability and accessibility
of alcoholic beverages and changes in
drinking patterns across the world.
This has created a global health prob-
lem that urgently requires governmen-
tal, citizen, medical and health care
The WMA urges National Medical
Associations and all physicians to take the
following actions to help reduce the
impact of alcohol on health and society:
11. Advocate for comprehensive national
policies that
a. incorporate measures to educate the
public about the dangers of haz-
ardous and unhealthy use of alcohol
(from risky amounts through depen-
dence), including, but not limited to,
education programs targeted specif-
ically at youth;
b. create legal interventions that focus
primarily on treating or provide evi-
dence-based legal sanctions that
deter those who place themselves or
others at risk, and
c. put in place regulatory and other
environmental supports that pro-
mote the health of the population as
a whole.
12. Promote national and sub-national
policies that follow ‘best practices’
from the developed countries that with
appropriate modification may also be
effective in developing nations. These
may include setting of a minimum
legal purchase age, restricted sales
policies, restricting hours or days of
sale and the number of sales outlets,
increasing alcohol taxes, and imple-
menting effective countermeasures for
alcohol impaired driving (such as low-
ered blood alcohol concentration lim-
its for driving, active enforcement of
traffic safety measures, random breath
testing, and legal and medical inter-
ventions for repeat intoxicated dri-
13. Be aware of and counter non-evi-
dence-based alcohol control strategies
promoted by the alcohol industry or
their social aspect organizations.
14. Restrict the promotion, advertising
and provision of alcohol to youth so
that youth can grow up with fewer
social pressures to consume alcohol.
Support the creation of an independent
monitoring capability that assures that
alcohol advertising conforms to the
content and exposure guidelines
described in alcohol industry self-reg-
ulation codes.
15. Work collaboratively with national
and local medical societies, specialty
medical organizations, concerned
social, religious and economic groups
(including governmental, scientific,
professional, nongovernmental and
voluntary bodies, the private sector,
and civil society) to:
a. reduce harmful use of alcohol, espe-
cially among young people and
pregnant women, in the workplace,
and when driving;
b. increase the likelihood that every-
one will be free of pressures to con-
sume alcohol and free from the
harmful and unhealthy effects of
drinking by others; and
c. promote evidence-based prevention
strategies in schools.
16. Undertake to
a. screen patients for alcohol use dis-
orders and at-risk drinking, or
arrange to have screening conducted
systematically by qualified person-
nel using evidence-based screening
tools that can be used in clinical
b. promote self-screening / mass
screening with questionnaires that
could then select those needing to
be seen by a provider for assess-
c. provide brief interventions to moti-
vate high-risk drinkers to moderate
their consumption; and
d. provide specialized treatment, in-
cluding use of evidence-based phar-
maceuticals, and rehabilitation for
alcohol-dependent individuals and
assistance to their families.
17. Encourage physicians to facilitate epi-
demiologic and health service data
collection on the impact of alcohol.
18. Promote consideration of a Frame-
work Convention on Alcohol Control
similar to that of the WHO Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control that
took effect on February 27, 2005.
19. Furthermore, in order to protect cur-
rent and future alcohol control mea-
sures, advocate for consideration of
alcohol as an extra-ordinary commod-
ity and that measures affecting the
supply, distribution, sale, advertising,
promotion or investment in alcoholic
beverages be excluded from interna-
tional trade agreements.
young physicians has been suggested.
Bonding means to oblige a person to pro-
vide a service in return e,g, for the educa-
tion they have received. Bonding could also
be seen as part of a social contract, when
physicians return a service for the state paid
education they received. However there are
many problems with bonding other than
that young workers or college graduate stu-
dents are not being paid. One could argue
that the return has already been made, it is
their commitment to study and not receive
a salary for that work. Also, each nation
that believes in equality before the law
would have to demand the same bonding
from every other student as well.
Yet good examples of voluntary bonding
exist and bonding can serve to guarantee a
workforce. For those who promise to serve
in certain areas, special benefits or prefer-
ential treatment could be awarded. But that
only works if there are focal shortfalls, e.g.
in a certain rural area or in the military.
When there is a general shortage of physi-
cians, voluntary bonding is meaningless. In
these cases a better payment and better
working conditions would be the straight-
forward approach.
There is a decreasing willingness to accept
36 hours shifts, there is a demand for
parental leave and there is a higher demand
for more private time in general. To blame
this trend on a feminisation of medicine is
shortsighted. It is true that medicine is no
longer a male domain. In many countries
the majority of graduates now are female
and new gender mix reaches the workplace.
But a suggestion that women go off the job
because they marry and have children and
therefore reduce the workforce, is far too
Thirty years ago the typical physician was
male and provided the single income of the
family. He would work 150 to 200 % of
what was a normal workload and (in the
western world) would receive a decent
income after specialization. Today physi-
cians, male and female, are in relationships
with spouses who have their own profes-
sional life. Burdens are to be shared
between equal partners, nor do young
physicians do, or want to have. The same
work load as their predecessors regardless
of whether they are male or female.
“Work-life balance” is a phrase that our
slave-like profession is slowly learning to
recognize. Although senior physicians
often see it as a kind of mutiny, those who
are asking for more private time and rea-
sonable working hours, are only asking for
what other professions see as their natural
right since decades.
The traditional expectation of a good
income in a late part of our professional life
has for a long time led us to often tolerate
inadequate payment and unacceptable
working conditions, Often to the extent
that the average salary of a young physician
is lower than that of a factory worker. And
with the increasing tendency of employers
to be unwilling or able to pay for over-
hours worked, the misery does not start, but
becomes visible.
Grave as are the failures of governments,
politicians, insurances, managed care orga-
nizations, hospital owners and other out-
siders in regulating the health care labour
market, we have to acknowledge that we
made mistakes ourselves. There are certain
myths and misunderstandings we have to
clarify ourselves:
1. A good physician is always available.
Physicians have the same physiology as
other humans. There is a point when an
overworked person doing a danger-
prone work becomes a danger him or
herself. That is what every physician
would tell an employer. It’s now time to
tell it our employers. And when we
indeed believe in the equality of men
and women, and when we indeed value
the family, we have to change the med-
ical work place now.
2. The more experience you get – the more
you learn – that is wishful thinking. One
can have a lot of experience and still
make everything wrong. Learning is pri-
marily not a question of quantity but of
From the Secretary Gerneral’s desk
As WHO invites governments and institu-
tions to celebrate World Health Day 2006
under the theme „Working together for
health“, the people working in health care
in many countries of this world may have
the feeling that there is not very much to
celebrate. Actually there is rather a ques-
tion, “Where to go?” and the answer has
already been given: “from East to West and
from South to North”. The migration of
health professionals is soaring and clearly
follows an economic gradient from poor
countries to rich countries. While in Europe
the migration from East to West is partly
compensated by an oversupply of physi-
cians in East and Central Europe, and the
brain drain from African countries in partic-
ular, reaches catastrophic dimensions.
But to believe that money is the only dri-
ving force for health professionals to
migrate falls short of reality. There are
many other reasons that make physicians
(and other health professions) go or stay.
Working conditions, amongst them the
availability of material local items that lead
to a decision whether to go or to stay. The
environment in which the physician and his
or her family have to live certainly is anoth-
er. However, cross border migration is not
the only move that is possible. Young physi-
cians leave medicine and search other fields
of work in their country, sometimes imme-
diately after passing their final exams.
Established physicians retire early or they
simply discover that there is “life beyond
medicine” and decide to reduce their work-
load at the expense of a lower income.
Countries with an emigration of physicians
have to try very hard to do whatever they
can to offer better conditions to physicians
(and other health professions) and their
families, if they wish to retain them. The
expenses of educating physicians alone
should make it a necessity for all countries
to retain as many of the physicians they
have trained as is possible. Bonding of
From the Secretary General’s desk
Working together for health – Human
Resources for Health World Health Day 2006
quality. Burying young physicians under
work does not mean that they learn a lot
– unless you take frustration as a learn-
ing experience. Those senior physicians
who believe that their assistants or
interns only learn when working long
hours, have probably missed the most
important lesson of their life, namely
how to teach.
3. It is similar with our (specialist) educa-
tion. Whatever is new in medicine sim-
ply adds up to medical education. Every
one of us knows examples of things we
learnt as being essential at the beginning
of our professional career, (some of
which were outdated even before we fin-
ished formal education). With an ever
faster evolving knowledge, the exten-
sion of training duration is exactly the
wrong strategy. Instead of prolonging
our basic and specialist training ever
more, we would be better off to reduce
these periods and admit that we have to
undergo (structured) education as part of
our professional development for our
whole lifetime.
4. Those responsible for the working con-
ditions of physicians are often physi-
cians themselves. Sometimes they are
reacting to a miserable shortage of
resources management, truly earning the
title of a disaster. We are in no position
to blame them. But often senior physi-
cians simply exploit young doctors for
their own profit The more hierachical
the organizational structure is the more
this becomes a danger. The exploitation
of physicians by senior physicians is not
5. We don’t talk about money. That is fine
– as long as you have enough of it. In
many countries of this world physicians
are underpaid, absolutely and in relation
to the general population. More and
more often this happens in the western
world as well. Whoever thinks that a
highly valuable service can be delivered
for token payment lives an illusion.
Waiting lists, “under the table pay-
ments” and emigration, are the immedi-
ate answer. Whoever organizes such a
system betrays both the physicians and
the patients. Being silent about this is a
Sir William Osler said: „The most impor-
tant thing is caring, so do it first, for the car-
ing physician best inspires hope and trust.“
Let’s do our part, to give our young col-
leagues a chance to care.
The World Health Organization (WHO)
calls for immediate concrete action against
the growing epidemic of counterfeit medi-
cines. In a bid to accelerate the war on fake
drugs, the agency pushed for stronger glob-
al cooperation, political commitment and
creative solutions at a meeting in Rome
16 – 18 February, 2006.
WHO aims to create a global task force
involving all major interested parties. The
task force will focus on legislation and law
enforcement, trade, risk communications
and innovative technology solutions,
including public-private initiatives for
applying new technologies to the detection
of counterfeits and technology transfer to
developing countries.
The counterfeiting of medicines is present
in all countries and is thought to represent
10% of the global medicines trade.
Particularly insidious, counterfeit medi-
cines dupe sick people into believing they
Counterfeit medicines: the silent epidemic
WHO convenes stakeholders to find global solutions to a growing
health threat
are taking something which will make
them well, when it may instead make them
sicker or even kill them.
„People don’t die from carrying a fake
handbag or wearing a fake t-shirt. They can
die from taking a counterfeit medicine,”
says Howard Zucker, Assistant Director
General for Health Technology and
Pharmaceuticals at WHO. “International
police action against the factories and dis-
tribution networks should be as uncompro-
mising as that applied to the pursuit of nar-
cotic smuggling.”
Counterfeit medicines are part of the
broader phenomenon of substandard phar-
maceuticals. The difference is that they are
deliberately and fraudulently mislabelled
with respect to identity and/or source.
These products mostly have no therapeutic
benefit; they can cause drug resistance and
Trade in counterfeits is extremely lucrative,
thus making it more attractive to criminal
networks. A report released by the Centre
for Medicines in the Public Interest, in the
United States, projects counterfeit drug
sales to reach US$ 75 billion in 2010, a
92 % increase from 2005.
The presence of fake drugs is more preva-
lent in countries with weak drug regulation
control and enforcement. However, no sin-
gle country is immune to the problem.
Reports from the pharmaceutical industry
and governments clearly indicate that the
methods and channels used by counterfeit-
ers are becoming more sophisticated, mak-
ing detection more difficult. Measures for
combating counterfeit medicines so far
have included support to under-resourced
drug regulatory authorities; simple, easily
interpretable and cheap markers of authen-
ticity such as barcoding; transnational sur-
veillance for fake and substandard drugs;
and education of patients, healthcare work-
ers, and pharmacists.
“These measures need to be intensified,”
adds Dr Zucker. “Countries should think
about ways to make the necessary techno-
logical, legislative and financial adjust-
ments as quickly as possible to guarantee
the availability of quality assured essential
WHO would also like to see more develop-
ments in the areas of innovative high and
low tech solutions for prevention at the
manufacturing stage and for detection in
the distribution chain.
Simple, inexpensive methods to identify
fakes can be effective. For example, simple
colorimetric assays developed for
artemisinins have been used successfully to
identify fake artesunate antimalarials.
WHO set up the world’s first web-based
system for tracking the activities of drug
cheats in the Western Pacific Region in
2005. The Rapid Alert System (RAS) com-
munications network transmits reports on
the distribution of counterfeit medicines to
the relevant authorities for them to take
rapid countermeasures. That system should
be expanded to include all regions.
Radio frequency identification (RFID) and
more sophisticated technologies for prod-
uct tracking within supply chain manage-
ment systems are being experimented with
in some countries. Means must be sought to
make these more sophisticated tools avail-
able and workable in developing countries.
Information on fake drug identity and dis-
tribution needs to be shared nationally and
internationally between government drug
regulatory authorities, customs and police
organizations, pharmaceutical companies,
non-governmental organizations, and con-
sumer groups. Risk communications,
involving the media, should be practised to
raise public awareness.
The Rome conference was hosted by the
Italian Pharmaceutical Agency (AIFA) and
Italian Cooperation, and organized with the
support of the International Federation of
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers &
Associations (IFPMA) and the German
Government. Participants in the conference
included experts from national govern-
ments and regulatory authorities, industry,
intergovernmental organizations, and con-
sumer and patient groups.
Daniela Bagozzi
Telephone: + 41 22 791 45 44
Mobile phone: + 41 794 75 5490
E-mail: bagozzid@who.int
Countries around the world are taking
effective measures to curb tobacco use,
including strong legislation, graphic warn-
ing labels and advertising bans. These posi-
tive changes reinforce the commitment
made by the more than 110 countries who
met to decide on the detailed implementa-
tion of the World Health Organization
Framework Convention on Tobacco
Control (WHO FCTC).
At the opening of the first session of the
Conference of the Parties (COP) to the
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco
Control, in Geneva /Feb 6–17m, 2006) Dr
LEE Jong-wook, WHO Director General
“One hundred and twenty one countries are
now contracting parties to the Convention.
Of these, 110 are here today, with full pow-
ers of participation. You represent nearly
three quarters of the world’s population.
You represent nations at all levels of income
and all stages of development. In this pow-
erful gathering, we have three of the five
top tobacco-leaf exporting countries, and
four of the five top cigarette-exporting
countries. This group of countries repre-
sents 69% of the world’s cigarette con-
sumption. It might seem astonishing that
this group is also preparing to put into
action the roadmap for countries to control
tobacco. But this group has already changed
When the process began there was some
scepticism over its success. The sceptics
were wrong.
You are driving change forward. To name
some examples: India has introduced com-
prehensive tobacco advertising bans.
Australia, Brazil, Canada, Singapore and
Thailand have introduced highly visible
graphic warnings on cigarette packets. The
European Union is on its way to doing the
Countries representing three-quarters of the
world’s population meet in Geneva to plan
the effective implementation of the tobacco
control treaty
same. In Ireland, Norway, and now in
Spain, smoking has been banned in indoor
public places. These, and other similar
steps, will result in a major reduction in
tobacco deaths.
New York State passed a smoking ban. It
termed this act its “strongest public health
policy ever”. Ironically, now it’s said that
the only place you can smoke with impuni-
ty in New York City is the United Nations
Both Ann Veneman and I have said that this
is wrong. Smoking should be banned in all
UN premises. Also, cigarette sales should
be banned in all United Nations premises.
After all, the people who are smoking in
the UN building sometimes are the repre-
sentatives of the same Member States who
have signed up to the Framework
Convention. But it can be hard to put agree-
ments into practice. We will all face this.
When we know that, in an Irish pub a
smoking ban can really work, then we
know that anything is possible.
Smoking is an advance contract. Those
who smoke don’t pay now, but will do so
30 to 40 years later, when their health fails.
They pay with lung cancer, with obstruc-
tive airways disorders, with cardiovascular
diseases. One in two smokers pays with
their life. We have to help them stop smok-
ing. We have to prevent them from starting.
This convention is something that we all
committed to. Its provisions are bold. They
are based on knowledge of what is effec-
We will make it work.”
The COP is the governing body of the
Treaty. It serves as the authority to oversee,
monitor and evaluate progress of the Treaty,
in order to reduce tobacco consumption and
tobacco-related deaths globally.
• To allow the Conference of the Parties to
assess progress made by countries in
implementing the measures required by
the Treaty through a pilot reporting
questionnaire agreed by the Parties dur-
ing the Conference.
• To establish an ad-hoc group of experts
that will study economically viable
alternatives to tobacco growing and pro-
duction, with a view to making recom-
mendations on diversification initiatives
for those countries whose economies
depend heavily on tobacco production.
The President of the Conference,
Ambassador Juan Martabit from Chile said,
“The urgency of the problem of tobacco use
is shared by all of us, and the commitment
from countries and civil society to take
action is very strong. I felt the positive spir-
it throughout the Conference, which clearly
contributed to its success, helping countries
to reach consensus quickly on the basic
issues, so we can concentrate our efforts in
the implementation. I am confident we are
on track to save millions of lives in the near
future thanks to this Treaty.”
More information about the first session of
the COP, including day to day overview,
documents and presentations: www.who.
Concrete measures included in the Treaty
could help save 200 million lives by the
year 2050 if a progressive 50% reduction in
uptake and consumption rates is achieved.
Many measures in the WHO FCTC have
deadlines and clear guidelines. For exam-
ple, from the Treaty’s entry into force,
countries have three years to enforce health
warnings on tobacco products, and five
years to implement comprehensive bans on
tobacco advertising, promotion and spon-
Other measures, such as those regarding
illicit trade or cross-border advertising,
have not yet been detailed in the Treaty.
The COP could decide to develop protocols
and specific guidelines and requirements
for countries to implement these measures.
In February 2007, the first Contracting
Parties will submit to the COP initial
reports on their progress, specifying what
actions they have taken to implement the
tobacco control measures established in the
Treaty. “This is a crucial time for people
suffering the consequences of tobacco
use,” said Dr Yumiko Mochizuki-
Kobayashi, Director of the WHO Tobacco
Free Initiative. “Tobacco is still the top pre-
ventable cause of death. The goal is to see
it fall from that position in our
lifetime.With continued commitment from
Member States, we will achieve that goal.”
The conference having adopted the follow-
ing decisions:
• To establish the permanent secretariat of
the Treaty within the World Health
Organization, located in Geneva.
Delegates agreed on a budget of US$ 8
million for its functioning during the
next two years. Parties agreed to fund it
through voluntary assessed contribu-
• To create working groups that will begin
development of protocols (legally bind-
ing instruments) in the areas of cross-
border advertising and illicit trade. To
help countries establish smoke-free
places and effective ways of regulating
tobacco products, Parties agreed to
develop guidelines (non-binding instru-
The World Health Organization welcomed
the announcement by the United Kingdom
government that it will give £41.7 million
(US$ 74 million) to help fight tuberculosis
(TB) in India and by the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation that it will triple funding
for tuberculosis to more than US$ 900 mil-
lion by 2015.
Announcement of the two funding commit-
ments follows publication of the Global Plan
to Stop Tuberculosis which sets out the steps
that are needed to tackle the global tubercu-
losis epidemic. Two million people die of
TB every year and eight million become
infected. The plan, prepared by the Stop
Tuberculosis Partnership, calls for global
spending on tuberculosis to triple over the
next ten years to increase access to tubercu-
losis control programmes and accelerate
research on new tools to fight the disease.
Stop TB
WHO welcomes United Kingdom, Gates
Foundation funding for global action to stop
New tools to fight the disease
„This funding from the UK government
and from the Gates Foundation shows real,
long-term commitment to the global effort
to stop tuberculosis,“ said Dr LEE Jong-
wook, WHO Director-General. “The glob-
al TB action plan shows clearly what must
be done to tackle the burden of TB. We
must now act urgently to raise all the funds
needed to put the plan into action.“
Key objectives of the plan include improv-
ing access to treatment in order to prevent
14 million deaths and provide treatment to
50 million people; developing and distrib-
uting new drugs and a new, safe and afford-
able vaccine; and developing new efficient,
effective and affordable diagnostic tests.
WHO is a partner in the Stop TB Partner-
ship, which was established in 2000. The
partnership secretariat is hosted by WHO
in Geneva.
Cancer is a leading cause of death globally:
an estimated 7.6 million people died of can-
cer in 2005 and 84 million people will die in
the next 10 years if action is not taken. The
World Health Organization (WHO) has pro-
posed a global goal of reducing chronic dis-
ease death rates by 2% per annum from
2006 to 2015.
More than 70% of all cancer deaths occur in
low- and middle-income countries, where
resources available for prevention, diagno-
sis and treatment of cancer are limited or
nonexistent. Tobacco use alone accounts for
some 1.5 million cancer deaths per year.
WHO is actively responding to these rising
levels of cancer. A World Health Assembly
resolution adopted in May 2005 called on
WHO and its Member States to take urgent
action to prevent and control cancer. As a
result, WHO has been developing a Global
Cancer Strategy and the coming year will
see the publication of “Cancer Control:
Knowledge into Action – WHO Guide for
Effective Programmes“, a series of six mod-
ules aimed at supporting Member States to
develop strategies to improve prevention,
treatment and care of cancer patients.
“We must, first and foremost, address the
tremendous inequalities between developed
and developing countries in terms of cancer
prevention, treatment and care,“ said Dr
Catherine Le Galès-Camus, Assistant
Director-General for Noncommunicable
Diseases and Mental Health. ”Despite our
knowledge that many cases are avoidable,
or curable when detected early and treated
according to best evidence, sadly for many
people tumours are detected too late and
adequate treatment is not available.
Furthermore, the quality of life of many
patients with cancer can be improved sub-
stantially by pain control and palliative
It is estimated that over 40% of all cancer
can be prevented. However, dramatic
increases in risk factors such as tobacco use
and obesity are contributing to the rise in
cancer rates, particularly in low- and mid-
dle-income countries. A rapidly changing
global environment due to globalization of
markets and urbanization is leading to ris-
ing consumption of processed foods high in
fats, sugars and salt, as well as tobacco
products; declining consumption of fruit
and vegetables; and more sedentary activi-
ty levels. As a consequence the burden
(incidence) of cancer and other chronic dis-
eases is increasing. Other preventable risk
factors include many environmental car-
cinogens and infections caused by Hepatitis
B Virus and Human Papilloma Virus.
WHO is taking significant measures to pre-
vent cancer and other chronic diseases. A
key achievement has been the entry into
force this past year of the first-ever WHO
global health treaty. The WHO Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO
FCTC), is a major step towards the goal of
reducing tobacco use, which is the leading
preventable cause of cancer. Additionally,
the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical
Activity and Health has provided a multi-
sectoral approach to reducing key risk fac-
tors for cancer and other chronic diseases.
The Programme on Chemical Safety is a
worldwide WHO-guided network aimed at
reducing exposure to carcinogens, and
immunization programmes against hepati-
tis are part of WHO global immunization
To improve early detection, treatment and
care of cancer patients, WHO’s
International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) is providing the scientific
evidence for cancer causes and mechanisms
of cancer development as well as develop-
ing strategies for early detection of cancer.
Moreover, WHO acts in partnership with a
range of major stakeholders in cancer con-
trol, including other UN organizations such
as the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA), NGOs such as the International
Union Against Cancer (UICC) and many
national cancer institutes.
WHO advocates an integrated approach to
prevention, treatment and care for all lead-
ing chronic diseases. Integrated approaches
that combine cancer prevention, diagnosis,
management with that for heart disease,
stroke, diabetes and other chronic diseases
are necessary because the diseases share
common risk factors (tobacco use,
unhealthy diet and physical inactivity) and
require similar responses from the health
system. Tthe integrated approach is best for
prevention and treatment, it is also cost-
effective. It is outlined in the recently
released report, „Preventing chronic dis-
eases: a vital investment“.
For more information contact:
Dr JoAnne Epping-Jordan
Senior Programme Adviser
Department of Chronic Diseases and
Health Promotion
Telephone: +41 22 791 46 46
E-mail: eppingj@who.int
World Cancer Day, February 2006:
Global action to avert 8 million cancer-related
deaths by 2015
Berlin/Geneva – Each year 100 million peo-
ple slide into poverty as a result of medical
care payments. Another 150 million people
are forced to spend nearly half their incomes
on medical expenses. That is because in many
countries people have no access to social
health protection – affordable health insur-
ance or government-funded health services.
Social Healthcare
Medical costs push millions of people into
poverty across the globe
Paradoxically, people in the world’s poor-
est countries contribute relatively more for
health care than those in wealthy industrial-
ized nations. In Germany, for example,
where the average GDP per capita is
US$ 32 860 and almost everyone has social
health protection, 10% of all medical
expenses nationwide are borne by house-
holds. In the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, by contrast, where GDP per capita
is only US$ 120 and where social health
protection is scant, about 70% of the
money spent on medical care is paid direct-
ly by households.
Experts from some 40 countries met in
Berlin at a conference convened by the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische
Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GTZ), the
German Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development, the
International Labour Office (ILO) and the
World Health Organization and laid out
strategies that they and their partners can
undertake to prevent such catastrophes.
“Social health protection is feasible even in
the developing world, but it has not got the
attention it deserves. Countries must begin
now to craft well-organized schemes, and
international donors will have to help. It
takes years to put such a scheme into place,
but if we start now, by 2015 – the target for
the Millennium Development Goals – we
could be well on the way to protecting peo-
ple worldwide through equitable health
financing,” said Dr Timothy Evans, WHO
Assistant Director-General for Evidence
and Information for Policy.
In low-income countries, it would take an
average of about US$ 35 per person per
year to finance a social health protection
scheme able to provide basic health ser-
vices, of which US$ 15 to US$ 25 would
have to come from international donors.
Social health protection can do more than
shield people against poverty – it can also
save lives. “At least 1.3 billion people
worldwide lack access to the most basic
healthcare. Often it is because they cannot
afford it. As a result, millions become very
sick or die every year from preventable or
curable medical conditions said Dr.
Rüdiger Krech, Head of Social Protection
in the Division Health, Education, and
Social Protection at GTZ.
“Social health protection is not only a key
tool in making health care accessible to all
and to free millions of people from poverty.
It is also an investment in health, productiv-
ity and development – an investment that is
a prerequisite for international competitive-
ness”, said Assane Diop, Executive
Director of the ILO.
Having to pay for medical treatment can
cause a farmer to lose his herd or a family
to lose its business. The Chinwubas and
their five children used to live comfortably
in Abakpa, Kenya from the earnings of a
small building supply shop they owned.
When Gloria needed an emergency
Cesarean section they were suddenly faced
with medical bills of US$ 200 – more than
their usual earnings for a four-month peri-
od. Unable to pay the entire bill, Amos had
to give his motorbike as a safety deposit to
the hospital. Without it, he was unable to
collect material from the wholesaler, and
his business came to standstill. He had to
pull the children out of school, because
there was no money to pay for fees and uni-
forms; and the family is now subsisting on
one meal a day.
Anumber of low-income countries – includ-
ing Ghana, Rwanda and Senegal – have
already experimented with innovative ways
of protecting people against the financial
risks of ill health. Drawing on those experi-
ences, the GTZ, ILO and WHO are offering
direct technical assistance to countries seek-
ing to develop social health protection
The Foundation for Innovative New
Diagnostics (FIND) and the World Health
Organization (WHO), with a grant from the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, today
announced that they will begin work on the
development and evaluation of new diag-
nostic tests for human African trypanosomi-
asis (HAT) also known as sleeping sickness.
African sleeping sickness, a major public
health threat in sub-Saharan Africa, spreads
among people bitten by the tsetse fly and is
fatal unless treated. Because early-stage
infection produces few symptoms, it is
thought that only 10% of patients with the
disease are accurately diagnosed. FIND and
the World Health Organization will collabo-
rate in seeking to identify, test and imple-
ment diagnostics that will increase the like-
lihood of early detection of HAT and the
opportunity for treatment.
Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics
and WHO collaborate to improve diagnosis
of sleeping sickness
“The spread of human African trypanoso-
miasis has reached epidemic proportions in
regions of Africa. There is clearly a great
need for a simple, accurate and cost-effec-
tive way to diagnose this disease so that it
can be better treated and controlled,” said
Dr Giorgio Roscigno, CEO of FIND.
“FIND is committed to identifying and
implementing diagnostics for infectious
diseases, and we look forward to securing
partnerships and initiating field testing.”
“Existing diagnostics for sleeping sickness
are difficult to implement in remote, impov-
erished settings,” said Dr Jean Jannin and Dr
Pere Simarro, from the Neglected Tropical
Diseases Control Department of the World
Health Organization. “We look forward to
working with FIND to advance new diag-
nostic tests that could revolutionize human
African trypanosomiasis control.”
“Developing point-of-care tests to direct
sleeping sickness treatment will greatly
simplify patient care, allowing for early
case detection, simpler and safer treatment,
and higher rates of cure that will improve
disease management and could lead to the
elimination of the disease as a public health
problem,” said Thomas Brewer, M.D.,
senior programme officer, Infectious
Diseases division, Global Health
Programme, at the Gates Foundation.
Currently, diagnosis of sleeping sickness is
made by serologic examinations followed
by microscopy, which is laborious, insensi-
tive and costly. FIND’s and WHO’s efforts
will be focused on developing tools that
will be simple to use and effective in the
remote field conditions that exist where it
is most prevalent. In addition to developing
appropriate diagnostic technologies, the
objectives of the programme include estab-
lishing field research sites for clinical stud-
ies and evaluating prototype products.
About FIND
The Foundation for Innovative New
Diagnostics (FIND) was launched at the
World Health Assembly in May 2003 as a
non-profit Swiss foundation based in
Geneva. Its purpose is to support and pro-
mote the health of people in developing
countries by sponsoring the development
and introduction of new but affordable diag-
nostic products for infectious diseases.
FIND currently has established collabora-
tions with a number of leading public and
private organizations for the development
of diagnostics for tuberculosis. For more
information, please visit www.finddiagnos-
For more information contact:
Dr Jean Jannin
Department of Control of Neglected
Tropical Diseases
World Health Organization
Telephone: +41 22 791 3779
E-mail: janninj@who.int
Dr Giorgio Roscigno
Telephone: +41 22 710 0590
Ted Turner Announces $20 million
Commitment from UN Foundation to
Measles Initiative Over the Next Four
The Measles Initiative partners gathered in a
TIME Magazine Global Health Summit in
New York this week to announce that tremen-
dous progress has been made in Africa in the
fight against measles. Largely due to the tech-
nical and financial support of the Measles
Initiative and commitment from African gov-
ernments, more than 200 million children in
Africa have been vaccinated against measles
and one million lives have been saved since
1999. Measles cases and deaths have dropped
by 60%, thanks to improvements in routine
and supplementary immunization activities in
Africa. The founding partners of the Measles
Initiative are the American Red Cross, UN
Foundation, World Health Organization,
UNICEF and Centers for Disease Control and
“This is a major public health achievement,”
said Dr. LEE Jong-wook, WHO Director-
General. „It is the result of the hard work and
dedication of the governments of priority
countries with high measles deaths and all our
Measles Initiative partners to achieve a com-
mon goal – to reduce measles deaths. Let us
continue to build on this momentum.“
Measles is one of the leading vaccine-pre-
ventable childhood killers in the world. In
2003, more than 500,000 people – 470,000 of
them children under age 5 – died from the
disease. Half of these deaths were in Africa
alone. A safe and highly effective vaccine has
been available for over forty years, and it
costs less than US $1 to protect a child
against measles. Despite this, millions of chil-
dren still remain at risk from measles.
UNICEF Executive Director Ann M.
Veneman said that the Initiative’s extraordi-
nary success against measles has brought the
world closer to reaching the Millennium
Development Goal (MDG) on child mortali-
ty. The results in Africa can now be replicat-
ed in Asia, the region that accounts for more
than 180,000 deaths worldwide.
“The Measles Initiative and other investments
in immunization not only save lives, they
build economies,” said Bo Stenson of the
Global Alliance for Vaccines and
Immunization (GAVI). “In fact, a new study
out of the Harvard School of Public Health
demonstrates that in the past, development
experts have generally underestimated the
economic value of immunization. Investing
in the health of children is not only the com-
passionate thing to do, it is the smart thing to
do and will pay off for future generations in
their educational attainment, labor productiv-
ity, income and savings.”
Next steps for the Measles Initiative include
additional ‘follow-up’ vaccination campaigns
in Africa, expanding vaccination campaigns
into Asia and continuing the successful “inte-
grated child health campaigns” in which
health workers provide not only measles vac-
cines, but also insecticide-treated bed-nets
(for malaria prevention), vitamin A, de-
worming medication, and polio vaccines.
Launched in February 2001, the Measles
Initiative (www.measlesinitiative.org) is a
partnership formed to reduce and control
measles deaths. The Initiative is led by the
United Nations Foundation, American Red
Cross, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, UNICEF and the World Health
Organization. The Measles Initiative (MI)
bases its success on its far-reaching partner-
ship between public and private institutions,
including key players such as the International
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies, the Canadian International
Development Agency (CIDA), Becton,
Dickinson and Company, The Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation, the Church of Jesus Christ
and Latter Day Saints, Becton, Dickinson and
Company (BD), the Global Alliance for
Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and coun-
tries and governments affected by measles.
While the Measles Initiative is focused in
Africa where the majority of measles-related
deaths occur, partners also work on a wide-
range of health initiatives around the world,
including measles control and other vaccina-
tion services outside of Africa.
Measles cases and deaths fall
by 60% in Africa since 1999
Geneva, 5 September 2005 – A total of up
to 4000 people could eventually die of radi-
ation exposure from the Chernobyl nuclear
power plant (NPP) accident nearly 20 years
ago, an international team of more than 100
scientists has concluded.
As of mid-2005, however, fewer than 50
deaths had been directly attributed to radia-
tion from the disaster, almost all being high-
ly exposed rescue workers, many who died
within months of the accident but others
who died as late as 2004.
The new numbers are presented in a land-
mark digest report, “Chernobyl’s Legacy:
Health, Environmental and Socio-Eco-
nomic Impacts,” just released by the
Chernobyl Forum. The digest, based on a
three-volume, 600-page report and incorpo-
rating the work of hundreds of scientists,
economists and health experts, assesses the
20-year impact of the largest nuclear acci-
dent in history. The Forum is made up of 8
UN specialized agencies, including the
International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA), World Health Organization
(WHO), United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP), United
Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA), United
Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects
of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), and the
World Bank, as well as the governments of
Belarus, the Russian Federation and
“This compilation of the latest research can
help to settle the outstanding questions
about how much death, disease and eco-
nomic fallout really resulted from the
Chernobyl accident,” explains Dr. Burton
Bennett, chairman of the Chernobyl Forum
and an authority on radiation effects. “The
governments of the three most-affected
countries have realized that they need to
find a clear way forward, and that progress
must be based on a sound consensus about
environmental, health and economic conse-
quences and some good advice and support
from the international community.”
Bennett continued: “This was a very serious
accident with major health consequences,
especially for thousands of workers
exposed in the early days who received very
high radiation doses, and for the thousands
more stricken with thyroid cancer. By and
large, however, we have not found profound
negative health impacts to the rest of the
population in surrounding areas, nor have
we found widespread contamination that
would continue to pose a substantial threat
to human health, within a few exceptional,
restricted areas.”
The Forum’s report aims to help the affect-
ed countries understand the true scale of the
accident’s consequences and also suggests
ways the governments of Belarus, the
Russian Federation and Ukraine might
address major economic and social prob-
lems stemming from the accident. Members
of the Forum, including representatives of
the three governments, met on September 6
and 7 in Vienna at an unprecedented gather-
ing of the world’s experts on Chernobyl,
radiation effects and protection, to consider
these findings and recommendations.
Major study findings
Dozens of important findings are included
in the massive report:
• Approximately 1000 on-site reactor staff
and emergency workers were heavily
exposed to high-level radiation on the first
day of the accident; among the more than
200,000 emergency and recovery opera-
tion workers exposed during the period
from 1986-1987, an estimated 2,200 radi-
ation-caused deaths can be expected dur-
ing their lifetime.
• An estimated five million people current-
ly live in areas of Belarus, Russia and
Ukraine that are contaminated with
radionuclides due to the accident; about
100 000 of them live in areas classified in
the past by government authorities as
areas of “strict control”. The existing
“zoning” definitions need to be revisited
and relaxed in the light of these new find-
• About 4,000 cases of thyroid cancer,
mainly in children and adolescents at the
time of the accident, have resulted from
the accident’s contamination and at least
nine children died of thyroid cancer; how-
ever the survival rate among such cancer
victims, judging from experience in
Belarus, has been almost 99%.
• Most emergency workers and people liv-
ing in contaminated areas received rela-
tively low whole body radiation doses,
comparable to natural background levels.
As a consequence, no evidence or likeli-
hood of decreased fertility among the
affected population has been found, nor
has there been any evidence of increases
in congenital malformations that can be
attributed to radiation exposure.
• Poverty, “lifestyle” diseases now rampant
in the former Soviet Union and mental
health problems pose a far greater threat
to local communities than does radiation
• Relocation proved a “deeply traumatic
experience” for some 350,000 people
moved out of the affected areas. Although
116 000 were moved from the most heav-
ily impacted area immediately after the
accident, later relocations did little to
reduce radiation exposure.
• Persistent myths and misperceptions
about the threat of radiation have resulted
in “paralyzing fatalism” among residents
of affected areas.
• Ambitious rehabilitation and social bene-
fit programmes started by the former
Soviet Union, and continued by Belarus,
Russia and Ukraine, need reformulation
Chernobyl: the true scale of the accident
20 years later a UN report provides definitive answers and ways to
repair lives
due to changes in radiation conditions,
poor targeting and funding shortages.
• Structural elements of the sarcophagus
built to contain the damaged reactor have
degraded, posing a risk of collapse and
the release of radioactive dust;
• A comprehensive plan to dispose of tons
of high-level radioactive waste at and
around the Chernobyl NPP site, in accor-
dance with current safety standards, has
yet to be defined.
Alongside radiation-induced deaths and
diseases, the report labels the mental health
impact of Chernobyl as “the largest public
health problem created by the accident” and
partially attributes this damaging psycho-
logical impact to a lack of accurate infor-
mation. These problems manifest as nega-
tive self-assessments of health, belief in a
shortened life expectancy, lack of initiative,
and dependency on assistance from the
“Two decades after the Chernobyl accident,
residents in the affected areas still lack the
information they need to lead the healthy
and productive lives that are possible,”
explains Louisa Vinton, Chernobyl focal
point at the UNDP. “We are advising our
partner governments that they must reach
people with accurate information, not only
about how to live safely in regions of low-
level contamination, but also about leading
healthy lifestyles and creating new liveli-
hoods.” But, says Dr. Michael Repacholi,
Manager of WHO’s Radiation Programme,
“the sum total of the Chernobyl Forum is a
reassuring message.”
He explains that there have been 4,000
cases of thyroid cancer, mainly in children,
but that except for nine deaths, all of them
have recovered. “Otherwise, the team of
international experts found no evidence for
any increases in the incidence of leukemia
and cancer among affected residents.“
The international experts have estimated
that radiation could cause up to about 4000
eventual deaths among the higher-exposed
Chernobyl populations, i.e., emergency
workers from 1986-1987, evacuees and res-
idents of the most contaminated areas. This
number contains both the known radiation-
induced cancer and leukaemia deaths and a
statistical prediction, based on estimates of
the radiation doses received by these popu-
lations. As about quarter of people die from
spontaneous cancer not caused by
Chernobyl radiation, the radiation-induced
increase of only about 3% will be difficult
to observe. However, in the most exposed
cohorts of emergency and recovery opera-
tion workers some increase of particular
cancer forms (e.g., leukemia) in particular
time periods has already been observed.
The predictions use six decades of scientif-
ic experience with the effects of such doses,
explained Repacholi.
Repacholi concludes that “the health effects
of the accident are potentially horrific, but
when they are added them up using validat-
ed conclusions from good science, the pub-
lic health effects are not nearly as substan-
tial as at first feared.”
The report’s estimate for the eventual num-
ber of deaths is far lower than earlier, well-
publicized speculations that radiation expo-
sure would claim tens of thousands of lives.
But the 4,000 figure is not far different from
estimates made in 1986 by Soviet scientists,
according to Dr. Mikhail Balonov, a radia-
tion expert with the International Atomic
Energy Agency in Vienna, who was a scien-
tist in the former Soviet Union at the time
of the accident.
As for environmental impact, the reports
are also reassuring, for the scientific assess-
ments show that, except for the still closed
highly contaminated 30 kilometre area sur-
rounding the reactor, and some closed lakes
and restricted forests, radiation levels have
mostly returned to acceptable levels. “In
most areas the problems are economic and
psychological, not health or environmen-
tal,” reports Balonov, the scientific secre-
tary of the Chernobyl Forum effort who has
been involved with Chernobyl recovery
since the disaster occurred.
Recommendations call for focussing assis-
tance efforts on highly contaminated areas
and redesigning government programmes
to help those genuinely in need. Suggested
changes would shift programmes away
from those that foster “dependency” and a
“victim” mentality, and replacing them with
initiatives that encourage opportunity, sup-
port local development, and give people
confidence in their futures.
In the health area, the Forum report calls for
continued close monitoring of workers who
recovered from Acute Radiation Syndrome
(ARS) and other highly exposed emergency
personnel. The Report also calls for
focussed screening of children exposed to
radioiodine for thyroid cancer and highly
exposed clean-up workers for non-thyroid
cancers. However, existing screening pro-
grammes should be evaluated for cost-
effectiveness, since the incidence of sponta-
neous thyroid cancers is increasing signifi-
cantly as the target population ages.
Moreover, high quality cancer registries
need continuing government support.
In the environmental realm, the Report calls
for long term monitoring of caesium and
strontium radionuclides to assess human
exposure and food contamination and to
analyse the impacts of remedial actions and
radiation-reduction countermeasures.
Better information needs to be provided to
the public about the persistence of radioac-
tive contamination in certain food products
and about food preparation methods that
reduce radionuclide intake. Restrictions on
harvesting of some wild food products are
still needed in some areas.
Also in the realm of protecting the environ-
ment, the Report calls for an “integrated
waste management programme for the
Shelter, the Chernobyl NPP site and the
Exclusion Zone” to ensure application of
consistent management and capacity for all
types of radioactive waste. Waste storage
and disposal must be dealt with in a com-
prehensive manner across the entire
Exclusion Zone, according to the Report.
In areas where human exposure is not high,
no remediation needs to be done, points out
Balonov. “If we do not expect health or
environmental effects, we should not waste
resources and effort on low priority, low
contamination areas,” he explains. “We
need to focus our efforts and resources on
real problems.”
One key recommendation addresses the
fact that large parts of the population, espe-
cially in rural areas, still lack accurate
information and emphasizes the need to
find better ways both to inform the public
and to overcome the lack of credibility that
hampered previous efforts. Even though
accurate information has been available for
years, either it has not reached those who
need it or people do not trust and accept the
information and do not act upon it, accord-
ing to the Report.
This recommendation calls for targeting
information to specific audiences, including
community leaders and health care work-
ers, along with a broader strategy that pro-
motes healthy lifestyles as well as informa-
tion about how to reduce internal and exter-
nal radiation exposures and address the
main causes of disease and mortality.
In the socioeconomic sphere, the Report
recommends a new development approach
that helps individuals to “take control of
their own lives and communities to take
control of their own futures.” The
Governments, the Report states, must
streamline and refocus Chernobyl pro-
grammes through more targeted benefits,
elimination of unnecessary benefits to peo-
ple in less contaminated areas, improving
primary health care, support for safe food
production techniques, and encouragement
for investment and private sector develop-
ment, including small and medium-size
Notes Vinton, “The most important need is
for accurate information on healthy
lifestyles, together with better regulations
to promote small, rural businesses. Poverty
is the real danger. We need to take steps to
empower people.”
Answers to Longstanding
How much radiation were people exposed
to as a result of the accident?
With the exception of on-site reactor staff
and emergency workers exposed on 26
April, most recovery operation workers and
those living in contaminated territories
received relatively low whole body radia-
tion doses, comparable to background radi-
ation levels and lower than the average
doses received by residents in some parts of
the world having high natural background
radiation levels.
For the majority of the five million people
living in the contaminated areas, exposures
are within the recommended dose limit for
the general public, though about 100,000
residents still receive more. Remediation of
those areas and application of some agricul-
tural countermeasures continues. Further
reduction of exposure levels will be slow,
but most exposure from the accident has
already occurred.
How many people died and how many
more are likely to die in the future?
The total number of deaths already attribut-
able to Chernobyl or expected in the future
over the lifetime of emergency workers and
local residents in the most contaminated
areas is estimated to be about 4,000. This
includes some 50 emergency workers who
died of acute radiation syndrome and nine
children who died of thyroid cancer, and an
estimated total of 3,940 deaths from radia-
tion-induced cancer and leukemia among
the 200,000 emergency workers from 1986-
1987, 116,000 evacuees and 270,000 resi-
dents of the most contaminated areas (total
about 600,000). These three major cohorts
were subjected to higher doses of radiation
amongst all the people exposed to
Chernobyl radiation.
The estimated 4,000 casualties may occur
during the lifetime of about 600,000 people
under consideration. As about quarter of
them will eventually die from spontaneous
cancer not caused by Chernobyl radiation,
the radiation-induced increase of about 3%
will be difficult to observe. However, in the
most highly exposed cohorts of emergency
and recovery operation workers, some
increase in particular cancers (e.g.,
leukemia) has already been observed.
Confusion about the impact has arisen
owing to the fact that thousands of people
in the affected areas have died of natural
causes. Also, widespread expectations of ill
health and a tendency to attribute all health
problems to radiation exposure have led
local residents to assume that Chernobyl
related fatalities were much higher than
they actually were.
What diseases have already occurred or
might occur in the future?
Residents who ate food contaminated with
radioactive iodine in the days immediately
after the accident received relatively high
doses to the thyroid gland. This was espe-
cially true of children who drank milk from
cows who had eaten contaminated grass.
Since iodine concentrates in the thyroid
gland, this was a major cause of the high
incidence of thyroid cancer in children.
Several recent studies suggest a slight
increase in the incidence of leukemia
among emergency workers, but not in chil-
dren or adult residents of contaminated
areas. A slight increase in solid cancers and
possibly circulatory system diseases was
noted, but needs to be evaluated further
because of the possible indirect influence of
such factors as smoking, alcohol, stress and
unhealthy lifestyle.
Have there been or will there be any
inherited or reproductive effects?
Because of the relatively low doses to resi-
dents of contaminated territories, no evi-
dence or likelihood of decreased fertility
has been seen among males or females.
Also, because the doses were so low, there
was no evidence of any effect on the num-
ber of stillbirths, adverse pregnancy out-
comes, delivery complications or overall
health of children. A modest but steady
increase in reported congenital malforma-
tions in both contaminated and uncontami-
nated areas of Belarus appears related to
better reporting, not radiation.
Did the trauma of rapid relocation cause
persistent psychological or mental health
Stress symptoms, depression, anxiety and
medically unexplained physical symptoms
have been reported, including self-per-
ceived poor health. The designation of the
affected population as “victims” rather than
“survivors” has led them to perceive them-
selves as helpless, weak and lacking control
over their future. This, in turn, has led either
to over cautious behavior and exaggerated
health concerns, or to reckless conduct,
such as consumption of mushrooms, berries
and game from areas still designated as
highly contaminated, overuse of alcohol
and tobacco, and unprotected promiscuous
sexual activity.
What was the environmental impact?
Ecosystems affected by Chernobyl have
been studied and monitored extensively for
the past two decades. Major releases of
radionuclides continued for ten days and
contaminated more than 200,000 square
kilometres of Europe. The extent of deposi-
tion varied depending on whether it was
raining when contaminated air masses
Most of the strontium and plutonium iso-
topes were deposited within 100 kilometres
of the damaged reactor. Radioactive iodine,
of great concern after the accident, has a
short half-life, and has now decayed away.
Strontium and caesium, with a longer half
life of 30 years, persist and will remain a
concern for decades to come. Although plu-
tonium isotopes and americium 241 will
persist perhaps for thousands of years, their
contribution to human exposure is low.
What is the scope of urban conta-
Open surfaces, such as roads, lawns and
roofs, were most heavily contaminated.
Residents of Pripyat, the city nearest to
Chernobyl, were quickly evacuated, reduc-
ing their potential exposure to radioactive
materials. Wind, rain and human activity
has reduced surface contamination, but led
to secondary contamination of sewage and
sludge systems. Radiation in air above set-
tled areas returned to background levels,
though levels remain higher where soils
have remained undisturbed.
How contaminated are agricultural
Weathering, physical decay, migration of
radionuclides down the soil and reductions
in bioavailability have led to a significant
reduction in the transfer of radionuclides to
plants and animals. Radioactive iodine,
rapidly absorbed from grasses and animal
feed into milk, was an early concern and
elevated levels were seen in some parts of
the former Soviet Union and Southern
Europe, but, given the nuclide’s short half
life, this concern abated quickly. Currently
and for the long term, radiocaesium, pre-
sent in milk, meat and some plant foods,
remains the most significant concern for
internal human exposure, but, with the
exception of a few areas, concentrations fall
within safe levels.
What is the extent of forest conta-
Following the accident, animals and vege-
tation in forest and mountain areas had high
absorption of radiocaesium, with persistent
high levels in mushrooms, berries and
game. Because exposure from agricultural
products has declined, the relative impor-
tance of exposure from forest products has
increased and will only decline as radioac-
tive materials migrate downward into the
soil and slowly decay. The high transfer of
radiocaesium from lichen to reindeer meat
to humans was seen in the Arctic and sub-
Arctic areas, with high contamination of
reindeer meat in Finland, Norway, Russia,
and Sweden. The concerned governments
imposed some restrictions on hunting,
including scheduling hunting season when
animals have lower meat contamination.
How contaminated are the aquatic
Contamination of surface waters through-
out much of Europe declined quickly
through dilution, physical decay, and
absorption of radionuclides in bed sedi-
ments and catchment soils. Because of
bioaccumulation in the aquatic food chain,
though, elevated concentrations of radio-
caesium were found in fish from lakes as
far away as Germany and Scandinavia.
Comparable levels of radiostrontium,
which concentrates in fish bone, not in
muscle, were not significant for humans.
Levels in fish and waters are currently low,
except in areas with “closed” lakes with no
outflowing streams. In those lakes, levels of
radiocaesium in fish will remain high for
decades and, therefore, restrictions on fish-
ing there should be maintained.
What environmental countermeasures
and remediation have been taken?
The most effective early agricultural coun-
termeasure was removing contaminated
pasture grasses from animal diets and mon-
itoring milk for radiation levels. Treatment
of land for fodder crops, clean feeding and
use of Cs-binders (that prevented the trans-
fer of radiocaesium from fodder to milk)
led to large reductions in contamination and
permitted agriculture to continue, though
some increase in radionuclide content of
plant and animal products has been mea-
sured since the mid-1990s when economic
problems forced a cutback in treatments.
Some agricultural lands in the three coun-
tries have been taken out of use until reme-
diation is undertaken.
A number of measures applied to forests in
affected countries and in Scandinavia have
reduced human exposure, including restric-
tions on access to forest areas, on harvest-
ing of food products such as game, berries
and mushrooms, and on the public collec-
tion of firewood, along with changes in
hunting to avoid consumption of game
meat where seasonal levels of radiocaesium
may be high. Low income levels in some
areas cause local residents to disregard
these rules.
What were radiation-induced effects on
plants and animals?
Increased mortality of coniferous plants,
soil invertebrates and mammals and repro-
ductive losses in plants and animals were
seen in high exposure areas up to a distance
of 20-30 kilometres. Outside that zone, no
acute radiation-induced effects have been
reported. With reductions of exposure lev-
els, biological populations have been recov-
ering, though the genetic effects of radia-
tion were seen in both somatic and germ
cells of plants and animals. Prohibiting
agricultural and industrial activities in the
exclusion zone permitted many plant and
animal populations to expand and created,
paradoxically, “a unique sanctuary for bio-
Does dismantlement of the Shelter and
management of radioactive waste pose
further environmental problems?
The protective shelter was erected quickly,
which led to some imperfections in the
shelter itself and did not permit gathering
complete data on the stability of the dam-
aged unit. Also, some structural parts of the
shelter have corroded in the past two
decades. The main potential hazard posed by
the shelter is the possible collapse of its top
structures and the release of radioactive dust.
Strengthening those unstable structures has
been performed recently, and construction
of a New Safe Confinement covering the
existing shelter that should serve for more
than 100 years, starts in the near future. The
new cover will allow dismantlement of the
current shelter, removal of the radioactive
fuel mass from the damaged unit and, even-
tually, decommissioning of the damaged
A comprehensive strategy still has to be
developed for dealing with the high level
and long-lived radioactive waste from past
remediation activities. Much of this waste
was placed in temporary storage in trench-
es and landfills that do not meet current
waste safety requirements.
What was the economic cost?
Because of policies in place at the time of
the explosion and the inflation and econom-
ic disruptions that followed the break-up of
the Soviet Union, precise costs have been
impossible to calculate. A variety of esti-
mates from the 1990s placed the costs over
two decades at hundreds of billions of dol-
lars. These costs included direct damage,
expenditures related to recovery and miti-
gation, resettlement of people, social pro-
tection and health care for the affected pop-
ulation, research on environment, health
and the production of clean food, radiation
monitoring, as well as indirect losses due to
removing agricultural lands and forests
from use and the closing of agriculture and
industrial facilities, and such additional
costs as cancellation of the nuclear power
program in Belarus and the additional costs
of energy from the loss of power from
Chernobyl. The costs have created a huge
drain on the budgets of the three countries
What were the main consequences for the
local economy?
Agriculture was hardest hit, with 784,320
hectares taken from production. Timber
production was halted in 694,200 hectares
of forest. Remediation made “clean food”
production possible in many areas but led to
higher costs in the form of fertilizers, addi-
tives and special cultivation processes.
Even where farming is safe, the stigma
associated with Chernobyl caused market-
ing problems and led to falling revenues,
declining production and the closure of
some facilities. Combined with disruptions
due to the collapse of the Soviet Union,
recession, and new market mechanisms, the
region’s economy suffered, resulting in
lower living standards, unemployment and
increased poverty. All agricultural areas,
whether affected by radiation or not, proved
Poverty is especially acute in affected
areas. Wages for agricultural workers tend
to be low and employment outside of agri-
culture is limited. Many skilled and educat-
ed workers, especially younger workers,
left the region. Also, the business environ-
ment discourages entrepreneurial ventures
and private investment is low.
What impact did Chernobyl and the after-
math have on local communities?
More than 350,000 people have been relo-
cated away from the most severely contam-
inated areas, 116,000 of them immediately
after the accident. Even when people were
compensated for losses, given free houses
and a choice of resettlement location, the
experience was traumatic and left many
with no employment and a belief that they
have no place in society. Surveys show that
those who remained or returned to their
homes coped better with the aftermath than
those who were resettled. Tensions
between new and old residents of resettle-
ment villages also contributed to the
ostracism felt by the newcomers. The
demographic structure of the affected areas
became skewed since many skilled, edu-
cated and entrepreneurial workers, often
younger, left the areas leaving behind an
older population with few of the skills
needed for economic recovery.
The older population has meant that deaths
exceed births, which reinforces the percep-
tion that these areas are dangerous places
to live. Even when pay is high, schools,
hospitals and other essential public ser-
vices are short of qualified specialists.
What has been the impact on individuals?
According to the Forum’s report on health,
“the mental health impact of Chernobyl is
the largest public health problem unleashed
by the accident to date.” People in the
affected areas report negative assessments
of their health and well-being, coupled
with an exaggerated sense of the danger to
their health from radiation exposure and a
belief in a shorter life expectancy. Anxiety
over the health effects of radiation shows
no signs of diminishing and may even be
spreading. Life expectancy has been
declining across the former Soviet Union,
due to cardiovascular disease, injuries and
poisoning, and not radiation-related illness.
How have governments responded?
The resettlement and rehabilitation pro-
grams launched in Soviet conditions
proved unsustainable after 1991 and fund-
ing for projects declined, leaving many
projects unfinished and abandoned and
many of the promised benefits under fund-
ed. Also, benefits were offered to broad
categories of “Chernobyl victims” that
expanded to seven million now receiving
or eligible for pensions, special allowances
and health benefits, including free holidays
and guaranteed allowances. Chernobyl
benefits deprive other areas of public
spending of resources, but scaling down
benefits or targeting only high-risk groups
is unpopular and presents political prob-
Given significant reduction of radiation
levels during past twenty years, govern-
ments need to revisit the classification of
contaminated zones. Many areas previous-
ly considered to be at risk are in fact safe
for habitation and cultivation. Current
delineations are far more restrictive than
demonstrated radiation levels can justify.
The report identifies the need to sharpen
priorities and streamline the programmes
to target the most needy, noting that reallo-
cating resources is likely to face “strong
resistance from vested interests“. One sug-
gestion calls for a “buy out” of the entitle-
ment to benefits in return for lump sum
start-up financing for small businesses.
Regional and NMA News
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has
undetaken an ambitious project “Aao gaon
chalen” to shoulder the responsibility of
providing positive health to every village in
the country. The project will enable medical
professionals to develop a vision and under-
take innovations to improve rural health as
envisaged in the national health policy.
The project which was launched off by
Union Textile Minister Shankarsingh
Vaghela at a village in Mehsana District
entails a new scheme where IMA members
will adopt a most vulnerable village accord-
ing to prevalent major health problems.
The first step of its kind by the IMA, in the
world, aims to target the 75% of the popu-
lation which lives in the villages and also
the popular myth in the public mind that
doctors do not want to serve in rural areas.
“Under this project each state unit of IMA
will adopt 5 villages to begin with and
undertake promotive health camps free of
cost. The idea is to slowly make the exist-
ing healthcare available in every nook and
corner of India”, said Dr. Kedan Desai,
Chairman of the project.
The major emphasis will be on the control
of epidemics and endemics, maternal and
child health, geriatric care and adolscent
health. “The IMA with its reach and dedica-
tion can make a big difference to the rural
health scenario and this step from the med-
ical fraternity will amount to a giant leap for
the whole country”, Dr. Desai added.
“Emphasis will be laid on increasing orien-
tation of health professionals towards the
needs of rural population and provide pri-
mary care to them on a regular basis at their
doorsteps”. Said Dr. Vinay Aggarwal,
Secretary General, IMA.
The Soul of India lies in the villages…
Almost 75% of our population lives in vil-
lages but 75% of the country’s health infra-
structure is concentrated in cities. Most of
the villages still fall short of health man-
power and infrastructure. The popular myth
in the public mind is that doctors do not
want to serve in rural areas.
The villages are unaware of the progress the
medical profession has made and the inher-
ent potential of qualified and dedicated doc-
tor. They accept all diseases as part of their
destiny. This, coupled with poverty-gener-
ated helplessness, adds to considerable
morbidity and mortality. IMA with its vari-
ous branches can take the lead in this direc-
Aao Ganon Chalen: Advent of a new era in
rural health
IMA has undertaken this ambitious project
to shoulder the responsibility of the provi-
sion of positive health to every village in
the country. The project will enable medical
professionals to develop a vision and under-
take innovations to improve rural health as
envisaged in the national health policy.
Under the project, the members of IMA will
be adopting the most vulnerable villages
according to prevalent major public health
problems. Major emphasis will be on the
control of epidemics and endemics, mater-
nal and child health, geriatric care and ado-
lescent health.
What the project will achieve
• Orientation of professionals to village
• Health awareness generation
• Provision and strengthening of promo-
tive, preventive, curative and rehabilita-
tive services
• Community involvement and participa-
tion in health care
• Public / private partnership in rural
health care
• Co-ordination to strengthen referral link-
ages in the health care delivery system
• An improved image of IMA and the
medical profession
Proposed activities
Health awareness activities
• Community health meetings
• Debates, posters and painting competi-
tions in schools
• Puppets shows and magic shows
• Nukkad nataks
Medical and surgical facilities
• Health camps providing multi-discipli-
nary care
• Special clinics for expectant mothers,
children and elderly people
• Cataract / sterilization camps
• Immunization services
• Adolescent guidance and counseling ser-
• Family welfare services
• Cancer detection clinics
Rehabilitation services
• Distribution of wheel chairs, artificial
limbs and other required services to
handicapped people. …amongst a host of
other welfare activites.
accessed on 28/2/06
Indian Medical Association
Aao Gaon Chalen – IMA launches rural
health plan
Physicians speak out on prisoner forced feeding – the American
Medical Association speaks out.
As reported in American Medical News, the American Medical Association (AMA) has given pub-
licity to its condemnation of physician participation in prisoners’ forced feeding It stresses, in an
editorial written by Dr. Duane M Cady (chair of AMA’s Board of Trustees) passed to news outlets,
the AMA’s endorsement of the WMA Declaration of Tokyo, quoting “where a prisoner refuses nour-
ishment and is considered by the physician as capable of forming an unimpaired, rational judgement
concerning the consequences of such a voluntary refusal of nourishment, he or she shall not be fed
artificially”. The AMA has met the Department of Defence over the past years raising its concerns,
“and to offer to provide them with relevant policies and expertise, with the goal of ensuring that US
policies in detainee treatment comport with ethical standards of medicine…”
The U.S.government defends its policy “We’re trying to preserve life” a spokeswoman of the
Defence Dept. is reported as saying. (American Medical News 49, 13)
The AMA House of Delegates has asked the Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs to develop clear
guidelines for physician participation in prisoner and detainee interrogations. (American Medical
News 48, 13)
Chinese Medical Association
42 Dongsi Xidajie
Beijing 100710
Tel: (86-10) 6524 9989
Fax: (86-10) 6512 3754
E-mail: suyumu@cma.org.cn
Website: www.chinamed.com.cn
Federación Médica Colombiana
Calle 72 – N° 6-44, Piso 11
Santafé de Bogotá, D.E.
Tel: (57-1) 211 0208
Tel/Fax: (57-1) 212 6082
E-mail: federacionmedicacol@
Ordre des Médecins du Zaire
B.P. 4922
Kinshasa – Gombe
Tel: (242-12) 24589/
Fax (Présidente): (242) 8846574
Unión Médica Nacional
Apartado 5920-1000
San José
Tel: (506) 290-5490
Fax: (506) 231 7373
E-mail: unmedica@sol.racsa.co.cr
Croatian Medical Association
Subiceva 9
10000 Zagreb
Tel: (385-1) 46 93 300
Fax: (385-1) 46 55 066
E-mail: orlic@mamef.mef.hr
Czech Medical Association .
J.E. Purkyne
Sokolská 31 – P.O. Box 88
120 26 Prague 2
Tel: (420-2) 242 66 201/202/203/204
Fax: (420-2) 242 66 212 / 96 18 18 69
E-mail: czma@cls.cz
Website: www.cls.cz
Colegio Médico Cubano Libre
P.O. Box 141016
717 Ponce de Leon Boulevard
Coral Gables, FL 33114-1016
United States
Tel: (1-305) 446 9902/445 1429
Fax: (1-305) 4459310
Danish Medical Association
9 Trondhjemsgade
2100 Copenhagen 0
Tel: (45) 35 44 -82 29/Fax:-8505
E-mail: er@dadl.dk
Website: www.laegeforeningen.dk
Asociación Médica Dominicana
Calle Paseo de los Medicos
Esquina Modesto Diaz Zona
Santo Domingo
Tel: (1809) 533-4602/533-4686/
Fax: (1809) 535 7337
E-mail: asoc.medica@codetel.net.do
Federación Médica Ecuatoriana
V.M. Rendón 923 – 2 do.Piso Of. 201
P.O. Box 09-01-9848
Tel/Fax: (593) 4 562569
E-mail: fdmedec@andinanet.net
Egyptian Medical Association
„Dar El Hekmah“
42, Kasr El-Eini Street
Tel: (20-2) 3543406
Colegio Médico de El Salvador
Final Pasaje N° 10
Colonia Miramonte
San Salvador
Tel: (503) 260-1111, 260-1112
Fax: -0324
E-mail: comcolmed@telesal.net
Estonian Medical Association (EsMA)
Pepleri 32
51010 Tartu
Tel/Fax (372) 7420429
E-mail: eal@arstideliit.ee
Website: www.arstideliit.ee
Ethiopian Medical Association
P.O. Box 2179
Addis Ababa
Tel: (251-1) 158174
Fax: (251-1) 533742
E-mail: ema.emj@telecom.net.et /
Fiji Medical Association
2nd Fl. Narsey’s Bldg, Renwick Road
G.P.O. Box 1116
Tel: (679) 315388
Fax: (679) 387671
E-mail: fijimedassoc@connect.com.fj
Finnish Medical Association
P.O. Box 49
00501 Helsinki
Tel: (358-9) 3930 826/Fax-794
Telex: 125336 sll sf
E-mail: fma@fimnet.fi
Website: www.medassoc.fi
Association Médicale Française
180, Blvd. Haussmann
75389 Paris Cedex 08
Tel: (33) 1 53 89 32 41
Fax: (33) 1 53 89 33 44
E-mail: cnom-international@
Georgian Medical Association
7 Asatiani Street
380077 Tbilisi
Tel: (995 32) 398686 / Fax: -398083
E-mail: Gma@posta.ge
(German Medical Association)
Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1
10623 Berlin
Tel: (49-30) 400-456 363/Fax: -384
E-mail: renate.vonhoff-winter@baek.de
Website: www.bundesaerztekammer.de
Ghana Medical Association
P.O. Box 1596
Tel: (233-21) 670-510/Fax: -511
E-mail: gma@ghana.com
Association Médicale Haitienne
Av. du Travail #33 – Bois Verna
Tel: (509) 245-2060
Fax: (509) 245-6323
E-mail: amh@amhhaiti.net
Website: www.amhhaiti.net
Hong Kong Medical Association, China
Duke of Windsor Building, 5th Floor
15 Hennessy Road
Tel: (852) 2527-8285
Fax: (852) 2865-0943
E-mail: hkma@hkma.org
Website: www.hkma.org
Association of Hungarian Medical
Societies (MOTESZ)
Nádor u. 36
1443 Budapest, PO.Box 145
Tel: (36-1) 312 3807 – 311 6687
Fax: (36-1) 383-7918
E-mail: motesz@motesz.hu
Website: www.motesz.hu
Icelandic Medical Association
Hlidasmari 8
200 Kópavogur
Tel: (354) 8640478
Fax: (354) 5644106
E-mail: icemed@icemed.is
Indian Medical Association
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi 110 002
Tel: (91-11) 337009/3378819/3378680
Fax: (91-11) 3379178/3379470
E-mail: inmedici@vsnl.com /
Indonesian Medical Association
Jalan Dr Sam Ratulangie N° 29
Jakarta 10350
Tel: (62-21) 3150679
Fax: (62-21) 390 0473/3154 091
E-mail: pbidi@idola.net.id
Irish Medical Organisation
10 Fitzwilliam Place
Dublin 2
Tel: (353-1) 676-7273
Fax: (353-1) 6612758/6682168
Website: www.imo.ie
Israel Medical Association
2 Twin Towers, 35 Jabotinsky St.
P.O. Box 3566, Ramat-Gan 52136
Tel: (972-3) 6100444 / 424
Fax: (972-3) 5751616 / 5753303
E-mail: estish@ima.org.il
Website: www.ima.org.il
Japan Medical Association
2-28-16 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 113-8621
Tel: (81-3) 3946 2121/3942 6489
Fax: (81-3) 3946 6295
E-mail: jmaintl@po.med.or.jp
Association of Medical Doctors
of Kazakhstan
117/1 Kazybek bi St.,
Tel: (3272) 62 -43 01 / -92 92
Fax: -3606
E-mail: sadykova-aizhan@yahoo.com
Korean Medical Association
302-75 Ichon 1-dong, Yongsan-gu
Seoul 140-721
Tel: (82-2) 794 2474
Fax: (82-2) 793 9190
E-mail: intl@kma.org
Website: www.kma.org
Kuwait Medical Association
P.O. Box 1202
Safat 13013
Tel: (965) 5333278, 5317971
Fax: (965) 5333276
E-mail: aks.shatti@kma.org.kw
Latvian Physicians Association
Skolas Str. 3
1010 Latvia
Tel: (371-7) 22 06 61; 22 06 57
Fax: (371-7) 22 06 57
E-mail: lab@parks.lv
Liechtensteinischer Ärztekammer
Postfach 52
9490 Vaduz
Tel: (423) 231-1690
Fax: (423) 231-1691
E-mail: office@aerztekammer.li
Website: www.aerzte-net.li
Lithuanian Medical Association
Liubarto Str. 2
2004 Vilnius
Tel/Fax: (370-5) 2731400
E-mail: lgs@takas.lt
Association des Médecins et
Médecins Dentistes du Grand-
Duché de Luxembourg
29, rue de Vianden
2680 Luxembourg
Tel: (352) 44 40 331
Fax: (352) 45 83 49
E-mail: secretariat@ammd.lu
Website: www.ammd.lu
Association and address/Officers
Association and address/Officers
Macedonian Medical Association
Dame Gruev St. 3
P.O. Box 174
91000 Skopje
Tel/Fax: (389-91) 232577
Malaysian Medical Association
4th Floor, MMA House
124 Jalan Pahang
53000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (60-3) 40418972/40411375
Fax: (60-3) 40418187/40434444
E-mail: mma@tm.net.my
Website: http://www.mma.org.my
Medical Association of Malta
The Professional Centre
Sliema Road, Gzira GZR 06
Tel: (356) 21312888
Fax: (356) 21331713
E-mail: mfpb@maltanet.net
Website: www.mam.org.mt
Colegio Medico de Mexico
Hidalgo 1828 Pte. Cons. 410
Colonia Obispado C.P. 64060
Monterrey, Nuevo Léon
Tel/Fax: (52-8) 348-41-55
E-mail: fenacomemexico@usa.net
Website: www.fenacome.org
Nepal Medical Association
Siddhi Sadan, Post Box 189
Exhibition Road
Tel: (977 1) 225860, 231825
Fax: (977 1) 225300
E-mail: nma@healthnet.org.np
Royal Dutch Medical Association
P.O. Box 20051
3502 LB Utrecht
Tel: (31-30) 28 23-267/Fax-318
E-mail: j.bouwman@fed.knmg.nl
Website: www.knmg.nl
New Zealand Medical Association
P.O. Box 156
Wellington 1
Tel: (64-4) 472-4741
Fax: (64-4) 471 0838
E-mail: nzma@nzma.org.nz
Website: www.nzma.org.nz
Nigerian Medical Association
74, Adeniyi Jones Avenue Ikeja
P.O. Box 1108, Marina
Tel: (234-1) 480 1569,
Fax: (234-1) 493 6854
E-mail: info@nigeriannma.org
Website: www.nigeriannma.org
Norwegian Medical Association
P.O.Box 1152 sentrum
0107 Oslo
Tel: (47) 23 10 -90 00/Fax: -9010
E-mail: ellen.pettersen@
Website: www.legeforeningen.no
Asociación Médica Nacional
de la República de Panamá
Apartado Postal 2020
Panamá 1
Tel: (507) 263 7622 /263-7758
Fax: (507) 223 1462
Fax modem: (507) 223-5555
E-mail: amenalpa@sinfo.net
Colegio Médico del Perú
Malecón Armendáriz N° 791
Miraflores, Lima
Tel: (51-1) 241 75 72
Fax: (51-1) 242 3917
E-mail: decano@colmedi.org.pe
Website: www.colmed.org.pe
Philippine Medical Association
PMA Bldg, North Avenue
Quezon City
Tel: (63-2) 929-63 66/Fax: -6951
E-mail: pmasec1@edsamail.com.ph
Polish Medical Association
Al. Ujazdowskie 24, 00-478 Warszawa
Tel/Fax: (48-22) 628 86 99
Ordem dos Médicos
Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 151
1749-084 Lisbon
Tel: (351-21) 842 71 00/842 71 11
Fax: (351-21) 842 71 99
E-mail: ordemmedicos@mail.telepac.pt
/ intl.omcne@omsul.com
Website: www.ordemdosmedicos.pt
Romanian Medical Association
Str. Ionel Perlea, nr 10
Sect. 1, Bucarest, cod 70754
Tel: (40-1) 6141071
Fax: (40-1) 3121357
E-mail: AMR@itcnet.ro
Website: www.cdi.pub.ro/CDI/
Russian Medical Society
Udaltsova Street 85
121099 Moscow
Tel: (7-095)932-83-02
E-mail: rusmed@rusmed.rmt.ru
Singapore Medical Association
Alumni Medical Centre, Level 2
2 College Road, 169850 Singapore
Tel: (65) 6223 1264
Fax: (65) 6224 7827
E-Mail: sma@sma.org.sg
Slovak Medical Association
Legionarska 4
81322 Bratislava
Tel: (421-2) 554 24 015
Fax: (421-2) 554 223 63
E-mail: secretarysma@ba.telecom.sk
Slovenian Medical Association
Komenskega 4, 61001 Ljubljana
Tel: (386-61) 323 469
Fax: (386-61) 301 955
The South African Medical Association
P.O. Box 74789, Lynnwood Rydge
0040 Pretoria
Tel: (27-12) 481 2036/7
Fax: (27-12) 481 2058
E-mail: liliang@samedical.org
Website: www.samedical.org
Consejo General de Colegios Médicos
Plaza de las Cortes 11, Madrid 28014
Tel: (34-91) 431 7780
Fax: (34-91) 431 9620
E-mail: internacional1@cgcom.es
Swedish Medical Association
(Villagatan 5)
P.O. Box 5610, SE – 114 86 Stockholm
Tel: (46-8) 790 33 00
Fax: (46-8) 20 57 18
E-mail: info@slf.se
Website: www.lakarforbundet.se
Fédération des Médecins Suisses
Elfenstrasse 18 – POB 293
3000 Berne 16
Tel: (41-31) 359 –1111/Fax: -1112
E-mail: fmh@hin.ch
Website: www.fmh.ch
Taiwan Medical Association
9F No 29 Sec1
An-Ho Road
Deputy Secretary General
Tel: (886-2) 2752-7286
Fax: (886-2) 2771-8392
E-mail: intl@med-assn.org.tw
Medical Association of Thailand
2 Soi Soonvijai
New Petchburi Road
Bangkok 10320
Tel: (66-2) 314 4333/318-8170
Fax: (66-2) 314 6305
E-mail: math@loxinfo.co.th
Website: http://www.medassocthai.org/
Conseil National de l’Ordre
des Médecins de Tunisie
16, rue de Touraine
1082 Tunis Cité Jardins
Tel: (216-71) 792 736/799 041
Fax: (216-71) 788 729
E-mail: ordremed.na@planet.tn
Turkish Medical Association
GMK Bulvary,.
Pehit Danip Tunalygil Sok. N° 2 Kat 4
Tel: (90-312) 231 –3179/Fax: -1952
E-mail: Ttb@ttb.org.tr
Uganda Medical Association
Plot 8, 41-43 circular rd.
P.O. Box 29874
Tel: (256) 41 32 1795
Fax: (256) 41 34 5597
E-mail: myers28@hotmail.com
British Medical Association
BMA House, Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9JP
Tel: (44-207) 387-4499
Fax: (44- 207) 383-6710
E-mail: vivn@bma.org.uk
Website: www.bma.org.uk
American Medical Association
515 North State Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Tel: (1-312) 464 5040
Fax: (1-312) 464 5973
Website: http://www.ama-assn.org
Sindicato Médico del Uruguay
Bulevar Artigas 1515
CP 11200 Montevideo
Tel: (598-2) 401 47 01
Fax: (598-2) 409 16 03
E-mail: secretaria@smu.org.uy
Associazione Medica del Vaticano
Stato della Citta del Vaticano 00120
Tel: (39-06) 6983552
Fax: (39-06) 69885364
E-mail: servizi.sanitari@scv.va
Federacion Médica Venezolana
Avenida Orinoco
Torre Federacion Médica Venezolana
Urbanizacion Las Mercedes
Tel: (58-2) 9934547
Fax: (58-2) 9932890
Website: www.saludfmv.org
E-mail: info@saludgmv.org
Vietnam General Association
of Medicine and Pharmacy (VGAMP)
68A Ba Trieu-Street
Hoau Kiem district
Tel: (84) 4 943 9323
Fax: (84) 4 943 9323
Zimbabwe Medical Association
P.O. Box 3671
Tel: (263-4) 791/553
Fax: (263-4) 791561
E-mail: zima@healthnet.zw