16.1 SDGs

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WMA Statement: 16.1 Progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development
Honorable Chairperson, Distinguished Delegates
Thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of the World Medical Association,
which represents more than 9 million physicians worldwide.
The WMA appreciates the efforts carried out by the WHO, its regional and country
offices to implement the resolution adopted last year on Health in the 2030 Agenda for
the Sustainable Development. Comprehensive and integrated national plans to support
States health policies, strategies and plans are greatly needed to define and strategize
health priorities in countries.
We would like to emphasize the importance of Health in All Policies approach that is
adopted in some regional offices to address health and well-being in all SDGs and not
only the health specific goal number 3, while promoting a multisectoral approach to the
2030 agenda.
As we already stated, the 2030 agenda cannot be achieved without proper health
funding, effective monitoring system, and true health governance that is yet to be
developed further by Member States with WHO support and mentorship.
Several important topics related to goal n.3 are highlighted in the report, but there are
others that need to be addressed to achieve this goal as well as all SDGs. It includes
patient and health workers’ safety, antimicrobial resistance and quality of health care
services. We would like in particular to draw your attention on the increasing rise of
attacks on health care personnel and facilities in emergencies contexts, which directly
impact on health systems and patients in a dramatic way. Achieving SDGs requires as an
absolute pre-requisite that Member States respect their obligations under international
humanitarian and human rights law and work for the promotion of peace worldwide.
We would also like to emphasize the critical importance of addressing health equity and
social determinants of health to reduce inequalities, achieve universal health coverage
and ensure equitable access to healthcare services.
The WMA and National Medical Associations are committed to support the achievement
of SDGs at national level and collaborate with other intergovernmental organizations,
including WHO for the implementation and follow up of 2030 agenda.